Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 207


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : CCCC MS 207 contains two tracts and a collection of documents relating to heresies and was compiled during the first half of the sixteenth century. The volume begins with a series of letters and documents regarding the Nestorian Heresy and the council of Chalcedon (the Fourth Ecumenical Council, 8 Oct.-1 Nov. 451, called due to the heresy of Eutyches). This is followed by two tracts relating to the split between the Greek Orthodox church and Rome: De haeresibus Grecorum de processione spiritus sancti by Hugo Etherianus (d. 1182) and Contra Graecos de processione spiritus sancti (Libri IV adversus errores Graecorum) by Manuel Calecas (fl. 1360-, d. 1410), trans. by Ambrogio Traversari OSB (also known as Ambrosius Camaldulensis).

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : latin

    Intervenants :

    Isidore of Pelusium et al. - author

    1r-48v - Isidore of Pelusium et al., Letters

    Note : Latin versions of letters of Isidore of Pelusium (12 ff.), Cyril, John of Antioch, Nestorius etc., and documents relating to the Council of Chalcedon etc., about 50 ff. in all

    Intervenants :

    Hugo Etherianus - author

    49r-196v - Hugo Etherianus, De haeresibus Graecorum de processione spiritus sancti

    rubric : (49r) Hugo Etherianus de processione spiritus sancti

    incipit : (49r) Intencio huius prologi

    rubric : (49r) Primi libri prologus

    incipit : (49r) Moyses quondam ex collocutione dei

    Note : Text

    incipit : (50v) Beatam et immortalem trinitatem

    Note : Bibl. Patr. XXII 1189. P. L. CCII 231

    Intervenants :

    Manuel Calecas - author

    Ambrogio Traversari OSB Camald. (Ambrose of Camaldoli) - author

    197r-364v - Manuel Calecas, Contra Graecos de processione sancti spiritus (transl. by Ambrogio Traversari OSB Camald. (Ambrose of Camaldoli))

    rubric : (197r) Ambrosius de processione spiritus sancti

    Note : (libri 18)

    incipit : (197r) Domino sancto ac beatissimo pape martino

    rubric : (198r) Incipit auctoris prologus

    incipit : (198r) Quoniam quidem fraterne dilectionis

    Note : Liber I

    incipit : (200r) Cum dominus noster Ihesus Christus discipulis discerit (?)

    Note : It is the version of Manuel Calecas de erroribus Graecorum by Ambrogio Traversari: printed in Bibl. Patr. Lugd. XXVI 382 and elsewhere. See Fabr. Bibl. Gr. xi 453



Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Given by Richard Palmer, as I gather from the college copy of Parker's Register (see Introduction). He was of Yorkshire, admitted in 1604, B.D. in 1619: Fellow in 1613, Vicar of Grantchester in 1622, Precentor of York the same year: died in 1631.

Data source