Vatican. Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, Vat.ebr.185

Biblissima authority file:


Data Source: Heidelberger historische Bestände – digital

  • Langue(s) des textes dans le manuscrit : hébreu

    Titre(s) :
    1v-18r - ʿEzra ben Shelomoh, di Gerona: פירוש ההגדות להחכם הגדו' ר' עזרא בר שלמה זצ"ל
    49r-180r - Abulʿafiyah, Ṭodros ben Yosef, ha-Leṿi: Oẓar ha-Kavod
    185r-188r - Tefillat ha-Yiḥud
    188v-192r - Mosheh ben Naḥman: Extracts from writings by Moses b. Naḥman
    192r-196r - Leon, Mosheh ben Shem Ṭov de: Nefesh ha-ḥakhamah
    197v-199v - Commentaries on the merkavah (Divine chariots) in Isaiah and Ezekiel

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