Michael Studita monachus

Biblissima authority file: https://data.biblissima.fr/entity/Q11919

  • Other Forms :
    • MICHAEL monachus
    • Michael Studita monachus
  • Notes :
    • d'après la notice de la PMBZ: auteur de la Vie de Théodore Stoudite et de plusieurs éloges : Ignace (BHG 818) très douteux tous les saints (BHG 127) Zacharie (BHG 1881n) Michel et Gabriel (BHG 1294a) Mokios (BHG 1298h) très douteux Isaac et Dalmatius (BHG 956d) Translation de Marie (BHG 1147) (Source : Pinakes)

Associated works and texts

This section lists the works attributed to the person as well as his contributions related to textual units.

Auteur de l'oeuvre :

Associated documents

This section lists the manuscripts, printed books and other types of documents with which the person or organisation is associated, regardless of their role towards the documents.

Auteur :

Data sources