Luc Chrysobergès (patriarche de Constantinople, 11..?-1170?) : Constitutiones [Grec].

Manuscripts bearing this text (8)

Aigio. Monastère des archanges Michel et Gabriel, MS (Cat. Politis 9)

Allemagne, Wolfenbüttel. Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 663 Helmst. (cote ancienne)

Cambridge. University of Cambridge, Library, MS Add. 1838

Cambridge. University of Cambridge, Library, MS Add. 3076

Mont Athos. Monastère de Lavra, MS Ω 84

Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Barocci 131

Rome. Biblioteca Casanatense, MS 715

Vienne. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. Hist. gr. 58

Data source

  • Pinakes