Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 461

Référentiel d'autorité Biblissima :

Manifeste IIIF

Présentation du contenu

Source des données : Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : The four texts by several scribes in CCCC MS 461, dating to the early thirteenth century, have no apparent thematic connection. Perhaps they were originally separate volumes or pamphlets. The main work in the book is the Sententiarum abbreuiationes of Peter Lombard (c. 1095-1160). The others, all relatively short are Exactis regibus (or Epitome iuris ciuilis), a civil law text, Richard the Premonstratensian (fl. late twelfth century), De canone missae, sometimes attributed to John of Cornwall (d. after 1179), and the Speculum ecclesiae by the pseudo-Hugh of Saint-Victor OSA. The book also contains four diagrams on ff. 34r-35v which pertain to the commentary by Bernardus Silvestris (d. c. 1178) on Martianus Capella, De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : latin

    1r-24v - Exactis regibus || Institutio quaedam juris civilis || The Epitome Exactis regibus

    incipit : (1r) Exactis a romana ciuitate regibus constituti sunt duo consules

    Note : Ending

    explicit : (20r) sciat necessarium esse introducendis quod superuacuum est prouectis

    Note : (20v) blank

    Note : ff. 21r-24v have had pencil-writing, now for the most part rubbed out

    Note : There were copies of this Epitome at Canterbury and Dover (Ancient Libraries , pp. 85, 403, 476)

    Note : It was printed three times in cent. xvi under the title Epitome Iuris Civilis, viz. in 1582 and 1599 at Paris and in 1599 at Orleans

    Note : It was last fully edited from 14 MSS. (not including the present one) by Dr Max Conrat (Cohn), Die Epitome Exactis Regibus, Berlin 1884, with Introduction and Appendixes

    Intervenants :

    Peter Lombard - author

    25r-139r - Peter Lombard, Sententiarum abbreuiationes || Compendium sententiarum Mag. Petri Lombardi || Petri LombardiSententiae abbreviatae

    Note : (Prol.)

    incipit : (25r) Cupientes aliquid

    explicit : (25v) distinguntur premisimus

    rubric : (25v) Explicit prologus

    Note : (25v) Capitula of the four books, with shortened (?) prologues to ii, iii, iv

    Note : A note on tonsure

    Note : (30v) Quod clerici caput radere desuper in modum spere iubentur a petro apostolo dicitur initium habuisse. cuius caput gentiles in opprobrium et derisum rasisse dicuntur, etc.

    Note : It is a supplied passage belonging to the next tract which is

    rubric : (31r) De ordinibus ecclesiasticis. Capitulum I

    incipit : (31r) Nunc ad considerationem sacre ordinationis accedamus. Septem sunt spiritualium officiorum gradus

    Note : (33v) The last chapter, quibus modis sacra pagina exponi debeat, ends

    explicit : (33v) anagogice illarn celestem patriam

    Note : Then follow four pages of very neatly drawn trees or tables

    Note : a.

    Note : (34r) Virtues

    Note : b.

    Note : (34v) Mundus

    Note : c.

    Note : (34v) Magica

    Note : d.

    Note : (35r) Philosophia

    Note : e.

    rubric : (35v) Hee sunt septem ancille quas Mercurius a Philologia in dotem accepit, etc.

    Note : viz. Lanificium Armaturam Nauigationem Agriculturam Venationem Medicinam Theatricam

    Note : A hand of cent. xv

    rubric : (36r) fforma inquisicionis in curia Christiana

    rubric : (36v) fforma probacionis alicuius testamenti

    Note : (dated 10 May 1430)

    Note : The former hand resumes

    rubric : (37r) Incipit compendium sententiarum magistri Petri Lonbardi Parisiac. ep.

    incipit : (37r) Ut ait augustinus omnis doctrina

    explicit : (139r) ad pedes usque illo duce peruenit

    Intervenants :

    Richard the Premonstratensian - author

    139v-144v - Richard the Premonstratensian, De canone missae || Tractatus de sacramento altaris || The tract on the Cross in the Mass attributed to Joh. Cornubiensis, etc.

    Note : In a taller hand, very beautiful

    incipit : (139v) In uirtute sancte crucis et sacramento altaris magna est conuenientia

    Note : (P. L. CLXXVII 455)

    explicit : (144v) in tercia uero differentia

    Note : Cf. MS 459. 8, etc.

    Intervenants :

    pseudo-Hugh of Saint-Victor OSA - author

    144v-170v - pseudo-Hugh of Saint-Victor OSA, Speculum ecclesiae || Speculum ecclesie

    Note : Change of hand

    rubric : (144v) Incipit prolgus (!) in libellum qui dicitur Speculum Ecclesie

    incipit : (144v) De officiis ecclesiasticis ut tractarem (Hugonis de S. Victore)

    Note : P. L. CLXXVII 389

    explicit : (144v) speculum ecclesie intitulari placuit

    Note : Capitula

    Note : Text

    incipit : (144v) Ecclesia igitur in qua populus conuenit

    Note : Ends unfinished (?)

    explicit : (170v) Secundum uero rei significationem et hoc per exteriorem formam. Phisica secundum interiorem naturam

    Note : Not identical with that in MS 460


Historique de la conservation

Source des données : Parker on the Web

  • At bottom of f. 170v: R. Tyldesley 1544, 1 hedus quadraginta. On f. 171v IHC. Liber W. Barett. (xvi) and some notes.


Source des données : Parker on the Web

  • Additions: On f. iv are various verses (xiv-xv): Quod mors omnia vincit, and: Si totum membrana solum, penne nemus omne, etc. (on the wickedness of women).

Source des données