Vatican. Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, Vat.ebr.124

Biblissima authority file:


Data Source: Heidelberger historische Bestände – digital

  • Langue(s) des textes dans le manuscrit : hébreu

    Titre(s) :
    2r-202v - ספר ההשלמה
    2r-25v - Berakhot
    25v-31v - Taʿanit
    31v-44v - Megillah
    44v-57r - Beẓah
    57r-83v - Pesaḥ Rishon
    83v-88v - Rosh ha-Shanah
    88v-91v - Yoma
    91v-109v - Sukkah
    109v-117r - Moʿed Katan
    117r-119r - Glosses by the author on laws of festivals and mourning in Moses b. Maimon's Mishneh Torah and his commentary on Pesaḥ Sheni
    119v-120r - Author's preface
    120r-174r - Shabbat
    174r-196r - Ḥullin
    196r-202v - Eruvin


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