Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 142

  • Other Form of the Shelfmark :
    • CAMBRIDGE. Corpus Christi College Library, 142
    • CAMBRIDGE, Corpus Christi College Library, 142
    • Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 142
    • CCCC MS 142
    • MS 142
    • Parker Library MS 142
  • Held at : Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • Author : Nicholas Love (13..?-1423?) | Anonyme
  • Date of Origin :
  • Script :
    • in a rather ugly hand
  • Decoration :
    • There are good partial borders and initials in gold and colour of the characteristic English work of the time.
  • Support Material : Vellum
  • Composition :
    • ff. 126 + 2
  • Dimensions :
    • 225 x 330
  • Codicological details :
    • double columns of 40 lines
    • ff. i-iii + 1-127 + iv-v
    • 1 flyleaf, 1(8)-11(8) 12(4) 13(8)-16(8) 17(2), 1 flyleaf.


Data Source: Jonas

  • Nicholas Love | The Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ
    Incipit référence de l'oeuvre : Here bigynneth the proheme of the boke that is clepid the mirroure of the blessed lyffe of oure lorde Jesu
    Folio 1 - 92
  • Anonyme | Gilte Legende
    Folio 93ra - 107va
  • Anonyme | Form of Confession
    Folio 107vb - 110vb
  • Anonyme | Treatise of Ghostly Battle
    Folio 111ra - 121ra
  • Anonyme | Articles of Excommunication (in Middle English)
    Incipit référence de l'oeuvre : Isti sunt generales articuli maioris exommunicacionis in lingua materna sic Goode men and wommen it is ordeyned by the counseil of al holy chirche ffirst of oure hooly fadir the pope of Rome and alle his cardinales and al his counsail sithen of alle erchebisshops bisshops and alle the clergie that euerich man of holichirche
    Folio 121rb - 126rb

Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : CCCC MS 142, dating to the fifteenth century, is a copy of translation by Nicholas Love OCarth (d. 1423/4) of the pseudo-Bonaventuran Meditationes uitae Christi, an expansion of the Gospel narrative of the life of Christ. This text in both its Latin versions and translations into the vernacular was very popular throughout Europe in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Nicholas Love, a Carthusian, was prior of Mount Grace in Yorkshire. His translation of the Meditationes, The Mirrour of the blessyd Lyf of Christ, was submitted for approval to Archbishop Arundel in 1410, and the Memorandum of the licence of approval is in this manuscript.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : anglais, latin

    Intervenants :

    Nicholas Love OCarth - author

    1r-85v - Nicholas Love OCarth, The Mirrour of the blessyd Lyf of Christ || The mirrour of þe blessid lyf of Ihesu [translated from the Latin of cardinal Bonaventure by John Morton] || Mirror of the Life of Christ

    Note : Ad frontem operis Attende lector hujus libri prout sequitur in Anglico scripti, quod ubicunque in margine ponitur litera N verba sunt translatoris sive compilatoris in Anglicis praeter illa quae inseruntur in libro scripto secundum communem opinionem a venerabili doctore Bonaventura in Latino de meditatione vitae Ihesu Christi, et quando pervenitur ad processum et verba ejusdem doctoris inseritur in margine litera B. prout legenti sive intuenti istum librum speculi vitae Christi lucide poterit apparere. Memorandum quod circa annum Domini 1410, originalis copia hujus libri scilicet speculi vitae Christi in Anglicis presentabatur per compilatorem ejusdem N. reverendissimo in Christo patri, et domino Thomae Arundell Cantuar. archiepiscopo ad inspiciendum et debite examinandum antequam fuerat liber communicatus: qui post inspectionem ejusdem per dies aliquot retradens istum librum memorato translatori ejusdem libri propriae vocis oraculo ipsum in singulis commendavit et approbavit, necnon et auctoritate sua metropolitica utpote catholicum publice communicandum fore decrevit et mandavit ad fidelium edificationem et hereticorum sive Lollardorum confutationem. AMEN.

    rubric : (1r) At þe bygnnyng þe proheme of þe booke þt is clepid the myrrour of þe blessid lijf of ihesu

    Note : Capitula follow

    Note : At the foot of f. 1r in red is the date 1560

    Note : The notices Adtende lector and Memorandum quod circa are on f. 2r. The translator N. was Nicholas Love, Prior of the Carthusian house of Mount Grace in Yorkshire. The text was printed for the Roxburghe Club in 1905

    Note : (2v) Prohemium

    rubric : (2v) Quecumque scripta sunt etc.

    incipit : (2v) These ben þe wordis of þe grete doctour

    explicit : (3r) bigynneþ in þis manere sentence

    rubric : (3r) Bonaventure incipit

    incipit : (3r) Among oþere vertues commendingis of þe holi virgine Cecile

    rubric : (4v) A devout meditacioun of þe grete counseile in hevene etc.

    incipit : (4v) Afftir þe tyme þat man was exilid

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (85v) to confusioun of alle fals lollardis and eretikis. Amen

    rubric : (85v) Blessid be þe name of oure lord Ihesu and his modir marie now and ever wiþouten ende. Amen

    rubric : (85v) Thus eendiþ þe book þt is clepid þe myrrour of þe blessid lijf of oure lord Ihesu Criste

    rubric : (85v) Explicit speculum uite Christi

    85v-92v - Treatise on the Sacrament of Christ's Body || A tretice of þe hiȝest and moste worþy sacrament of Crists blessid body and þe merveilis þerof

    rubric : (85v) Now sueþ a tretice of þe hiȝest and moste worþy sacrament of Cristes blessid body and þe merveilis þer of

    incipit : (85v) Memoriam fecit mirabilium etc.

    incipit : (85v) These wordis of Dauid in þe sauter seid in prophecie

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (92v) by vertu and grace of þy lijf blissid wiþ owten endynge. Amen

    rubric : (92v) Ihesu lord þy blessid lijfHelpe and coumfort our wrecchid lijf. Amen

    rubric : (92v) Explicit speculum vite Christi complete

    Note : This is also by Nicholas Love

    93r-96v - Life of St Nicholas || þe lyfe of seynt Nicolas bisschop of Myrre

    incipit : (93r) Seynt Nicholas was bore in the citee of patras

    explicit : (96v) and thonkynge to owre lord god. and to þe merite of þe holy seynt Nicolas

    96v-106r - Life of St Katherine || þe lyfe of þe holy virgyn seynt Kateryne

    incipit : (96v) Here bygynneþ þe right excellent and most glorious life of seynt Kateryn whiche by dissent of lyne was of þe noble kynredis of þe Emperours etc.

    explicit : (106r) as it is conteyned in þe Invencioun of þe crosse how Maxence was ponysshid for þis felony and for oþere

    106r-107v - Life of St Margaret || þe lyfe of þe holy virgyn seynt Margarete

    incipit : (106r) Seynt Margarete was of þe cite of Antioche doughter of Theodosyen a paynym patriarche

    explicit : (107v) She was hatefull to her fadir and frende and love to owre Lord Ihesu Crist

    107v-110v - Form of confession || A form of confession

    incipit : (107v) Benedicite. I knowleche to our lord Almyȝty God Ihesu

    explicit : (110v) and also þat ye wolde vouchesafe to prey for me. Amen

    rubric : (110v) And þus eendiþ þis Confessioun

    111r-121r - Tretys of goostly batayle || A tretys of goostely batayle

    incipit : (111r) Brothir or sustre þt desirist to come to þe eendles blisse

    explicit : (121r) to eendles blisse whiche man was ordeyned to in his fyrst creacioun. Amen

    rubric : (121r) Deo gracias

    121r-126r - Articles of excommunication || General sentence, or, Articuli majoris excommunicationis in lingua materna

    incipit : (121r) Goode men and wommen it is ordeyned by the counseil of al holy chirche

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (126r) for to dwelle in the peynes of helle for ever without ende. ffiat fiat. Amen

    Note : See Maskell, Monumenta Ritualia II 286-301

    Note : On f. 126v is: Thys ys betrys (Beatrice) beuerleys book (xv) and on the last flyleaf f. 127v: Thys Booke ys Wylliam bodleys and Elizabethe hys wyffe (xv-xvi)



Data Source: Jonas

  • Manuscrit consultable en ligne à l'adresse Contains 1r-92v Mirror of Life of Jesus Christ; then three lives from Gilte Legende 93r col a-96v col a Nicholas 96v col a - 106r col b Katherine 106r col b 107v col a Margaret; then Form of Confession; A Treatise of Ghostly Battle; Articles of Excommunication.


  • OPVS, 2010.
  • Hamer, Richard, and Vida Russell, eds. Gilte Legende. Early English Text Society 327, 328. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
  • Sargent, Michael. Nicholas Love’s Mirrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesus Christ Oure Lord. Garland Medieval Texts. New York: Garland Publishing, 1992.

Data sources