Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 337


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : CCCC MS 337, dating to the fourteenth century, contains two main texts. The first is the Liber scintillarum of Defensor of Ligugé (late seventh century), a florilegium of biblical and patristic sayings arranged according to themes. The second is the Summa Qui bene praesunt by Richard of Wetheringsett (fl. c. 1200-30), first recorded chancellor of Cambridge University at some time between 1215 and 1232. This is a guide for preachers structured in the manner of a catechism according to the Creed, the Lord's Prayer etc. It is one of the earliest pastoral texts of this sort which were initiated by the reforms of the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215. Formerly the author of this text was thought to be William de Montibus (d. 1213). The book might have belonged to the cathedral priory of Christ Church, Canterbury, but that provenance is doubtful.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : latin, anglais

    Intervenants :

    pseudo-Augustine - author

    1r-2r - pseudo-Augustine, Sermones ad fratres in eremo (sermo 56) || Ammonitio Sancti Augustini, qua ostenditur quam bonum sit lectionem divinam legere et quam sit nobis malum ab illa inquisitione desistere

    rubric : (1r) Incipit ammonitio augustini, etc.

    Note : (P. L. XL 1339)

    incipit : (1r) Propitio Christo fratres karissimi ita lectionem diuinam

    explicit : (2r) stelle in perpetuas eternitates quod ipse prestare dignetur qui cum patre et spiritu Sancto uiuit et regnat

    Intervenants :

    Defensor of Ligugé - author

    2r-37v - Defensor of Ligugé, Liber scintillarum || Liber scintillarum venerabilis Bedae presbiteri diversarum scientiarum, ideo sic dictus quia scintillae valent ad parandum incendium, ita sententiae diversorum patrum hic collectae valent et utilissimae sunt ad accendendas mentes fidelium

    rubric : (2r) Libri subsequentis capitula

    rubric : (2v) Incipit liber scintillarum venerabilis Bede, etc.

    Note : (P. L. LXXXVIII 597)

    incipit : (2v) Dominus dicit in euangelio Maiorem hac dilectionem

    explicit : (37r) interior homo nutritur et pascitur

    rubric : (37r) Explicit liber scintillarum

    Note : Paragraphs in another hand

    rubric : (37r) Qualiter orationes debent terminari

    incipit : (37r) Hec festa subscripta ex toto ferianda sunt per annum (secundum concilium Oxonie)

    Note : (37r) Translation of S. Thomas has the name erased

    Note : (37r) Further notes on feasts and days of blood-letting

    Note : f. 37v blank

    Intervenants :

    Richard of Wetheringsett - author

    38r-87v - Richard of Wetheringsett, Summa Qui bene praesunt || Gulielmi de Montibus summula qui vocatur qui bene presunt

    rubric : (38r) Tractatus Magistri Willelmi de Montibus quondam Cancellarij lincoln

    Note : (title added xv)

    incipit : (38r) Qui bene presunt presbiteri

    explicit : (86v) hic ergo erit consummatus. Deo gratias

    rubric : (86v) Explicit summula que uocatur qui bene presunt

    Note : (87r) Later notes: Dotes corporis glorificati, Name of Jesus, etc.

    Note : 87v blank

    Intervenants :

    pseudo-Robert Grosseteste - author

    88r-207v - pseudo-Robert Grosseteste, Summa uitiorum || Liber alius scintillarum

    rubric : (88r) Incipit capitula libri Sintillarii

    Note : (about 80)

    Note : (88r) De diuersis rebus collectis

    Note : Text

    incipit : (88r) Superbia est elatio uitiosa que inferiorem despiciens

    Note : This is given by Tanner as the incipit of Grosseteste's Summa de vitiis (from University Library Ll.1.15). It occurs in Laud Misc. 544 (8ff. only) ending: reprehensibiles exhibet clericos: followed by Egredietur virga and other sermons

    Note : At top of f. 148r are some lines in English

    Note : (148r) Wo so sit at te hale cuppe to kippe. ant ne his nout on haise mit te drie lippe. Þe deuel sal in helle mit his soule wippe

    Note : The end of this tract is not clearly marked. It seems to disappear into miscellaneous questiones and sermons, with many exempla

    Note : On f. 169v is a heading

    rubric : (169v) Sermo de beata Maria Magdalene secundum fratrem Walterum

    incipit : (169v) Babylon dilecta mea posita es michi in miraculum

    Note : From about 186r the headings are alphabetical. Adam (f. 186r) - Ignorancia (f. 200v)

    Note : On f. 201r the hand changes and we end with a series of stories mainly from the Vitae Patrum

    Note : (205v) On the last page the merita visionis corporis Christi in another hand



Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • An erasure on f. iir at top: Liber scintillarum secundum bedam de uerbis ewangel ... cum aliis contentisJoīs (?) de Wyrcestre (?) monachi ecclesie cant (?). The book is very probably from Christ Church, Canterbury, but I do not find it in existing catalogues.


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Additions: In the same hand(f. iir):Hec continentur in hoc uolumine et hoc ordine Species vii peccatorum mortalium, De institucione festi omnium sanctorum Admonitio Augustini ad legendam sacram scripturam. Liber scintillarum secundum bedam Item tractatus qui bene presunt Item tractatus de viciis capitalibus et eorum oppositis uirtutibus et aliis contentis.

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