Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 339


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : CCCC MS 339 contains two distinct volumes, the first of which has been claimed by some as the autograph working copy of the Chronicon de tempore regis Ricardi by Richard of Devizes OSB (fl. late twelfth century), a monk of Winchester, and the Annales Wintonienses. The second volume contains a fourteenth-century copy of the Compilatio de gestis Britonum et Anglorum by Peter of Ickham OSB (d. 1295). The provenance of this manuscript is uncertain. The earlier portion of the codex may have been produced at the Benedictine cathedral priory of St Peter, St Paul, and St Swithun at Winchester, around 1200, while an early fifteenth-century note appended to the second volume is concerned with events in the Augustinian abbey of the Blessed Virgin at Lilleshall in Shropshire. Neither of these provenances have been wholly accepted The manuscript may once have been in the hands of the historian John Bale (1495-1563) before it came into Parker's possession.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : latin

    Intervenants :

    Richard of Devizes OSB (attrib.) - author

    1r-24v - Richard of Devizes OSB (attrib.), Annales Wintonienses, to 1138 || Historia Angliae a Bruto ad primordia regni Stephani regis [autore Ricardo Divisiensi secundum Balaeum]

    Note : Headed (xvi)

    rubric : (1r) Richardus Divisiensis ut in Baleo 28

    incipit : (1r) Britannia maior insula est ad septentrionem sita

    Note : (1r) In the margin, partly cut off

    Note : (1r) M)agistro ade ! suus de meo malo mirum mu temporibus accidit ut etiam fi placeant sapientibus

    Note : The margins are full of erased entries (see Chronicles of Stephen, etc. III, p. lxxi)

    Note : On f. 10r (margin) is a late note of the foundation of Cricklade university and on f. 13r in the same hand a note of the foundation of Oxford. A few other notes in the same hand occur

    Note : and on f. 13r in the same hand a note of the foundation of Oxford. A few other notes in the same hand occur

    Note : At 24v is a break, the text ends (in 1138)

    explicit : (24v) Brianus firmauit Walingeford et oxoniam

    Note : (24v) After this a note by Bale (?),vsque ad annum domini 1245 apud Thomam knyght bibliopolam

    Note : So far the text, as pointed out by Dr Luard (Annales Monasterienses II p. xi), is the source of the Winchester Annals (Domit. XIII): the resemblance is fairly exact down to 1066

    Intervenants :

    Richard of Devizes OSB - author

    25r-43v - Richard of Devizes OSB, Chronicon de tempore regis Ricardi || Ricardus Divisiensis ad Robertum olim priorem Wynton ad Cartusiam migratum de rebus gestis Ricardi I

    Note : (25r) In the same hand, beginning with a red initial

    incipit : (25r) Uenerabili patri et semper domino Rob. olim priori Wintoniensis ecclesie: Suus Ricardus dictus diuisiensis

    Note : This Chronicle was last edited by Howlett, Chronicles of Stephen, etc. III 381-454 (and Introd. LXVIII sqq.)

    Note : It ends

    explicit : (43v) de gratia gentilium consequeretur

    Note : (43v) The colophon (if any) is obscured by a patch (the greater part of two leaves) of a closely written xiiith cent. Canon Law MS. pasted over the lower part of f. 43v

    Note : There is but one other copy of this Chronicle (Domit. XIII) in the same hand: according to Howlett both are in the autograph of Richard of Devizes. He assigns the date 1192-1202 to both MSS

    Intervenants :

    Peter of Ickham OSB - author

    43v-94v - Peter of Ickham OSB, Compilatio de gestis Britonum et Anglorum || Petri de Yckham compilatio de gestis Britonum ac Anglorum ad annum 1327

    Note : (43v) On the margins of the patch stuck on f. 43v are some xvith cent. notes referring to the following treatise

    Note : (43v) Hec Historia explicit in ultimo anno Henrici (corr. to Edwardi) secundi. Hoc est a. d. 1327. Verisimile est hunc Authorem fuisse Petrus de Ickham. et alius quispiam ab anno 1272 continuauit historiam ad annum 1327. vide Bale 327

    Note : (43v) Cantabrigia facta uniuersitas per Curiam Romanam 1320

    Note : (43v) Author horum annalium fuit Radulphus Remington clericus Eboracensis notarius publicus qui interfuit in illo processu Cantabrigiae et habetur in registro Collegii Corporis Christi. In libro qui dicitur Miscellanea Cantabrigiae fol. 135 Et illic introducitur Johannes episcopus seruus seruorum dei qui fecit Cantabrigiam uniuersitatem tempore Edouardi secundi etc.

    Note : (43v) Another annotator refers to the Bull of Honorius 624

    Note : (43v) A third adds: Forte author huius non fuit Rad. Remington notarius publicus Ebor. qui vixit a. d. 1430 ut in recordis Cantabrigiae et in pag. 126 in Mescellanea Cantabrigiae apparet

    Note : Are some of these notes by Dr Caius?

    Note : Text

    incipit : (44r) Non solum audiendis Scripture sacre uerbis aurem sedulus auditor accommodare tenetur

    explicit : (44r) qui omnes fere toto regno imperabant

    rubric : (44r) De Britannia insula occeani

    incipit : (44r) Britannia occeani insula cui quondam Albion nomen fuit

    Note : Hand changes at f. 17r, part of 16v is blank but there is no break. See MS 427

    Note : Ends in 1327

    explicit : (91r) quorum quidam ut prescriptum est mortem ignominiosam non inmerito pertulerunt

    Note : (91r) A large scrawly hand continues

    incipit : (91r) Post quem regnauit Edwardus filius eius et dictus est Edwardus tercius

    Note : (91r) After a few lines the accession of Richard II is noted, and it is said that

    Note : (91r) rex iste Ric. versus Salop. itinerans pro fine parliamenti faciendo infra Monasterium de Lilleshull in festo Conuersionis Sancti Paule viz. nocte precedente et die illo nocteque sequente qui tunc dies veneris fuit perendi- (48v) navit cum Regina sua filia regis ffrancie. After the king's departure; Dux vero Lancastrie finito parliamento captus febre cum uxore sua Katerina ad monasterium de Lilleshull reuersus est. He was received (with his wife) into the fraternity; so also was Will. Chetewynd. Dux vero conuentui xx libros auri contulit. Predicto vero anno isti in fraternitatem recepti fuerunt. Dux predictus cum uxore sua et armigero predicto Dominus Joh. de Cherleton. Dom. de Powys. Ric. Chelmewyk' armiger prox. regi. Will. Thornehull dominus de Eten Costeyn et fflorancia uxor eius. Rogerus Massy de Wych strenuus armiger predicti ducis. Dom. Adam persale dom. de ydeshale uxore eius prius recepta. dum Baldewyno ffreuyle erat copulata

    Note : The Laudian MS. Misc. 730 (in the Bodleian Library) of Peter of Ickham (which ends at 1272) has the note Hic multa desunt ab hoc anno 1272 usque ad annum 1327 et hoc totum habetur in veteri libro ligato cum Richardo Divisiensi.

    Note : (92r) On 49r scribbled prayer or invocation to the Virgin

    Note : 49v blank

    Note : On 50r a Confiteor ill-written

    Note : 50v-51v blank



Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • The material on f. 91r-91v points to the book having been at Lilleshull or in its neighbourhood when this was written.


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Additions: Flyleaf (ff. ir-iv), part of a leaf of a xvth cent. missal in very large hand. On the six paper leaves (ff. iir-viv) is an alphabetical table of cent. xvi.

Data source