Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 218


Data Source: Jonas

  • Henri de Lancastre | Livre des saintes médecines
    Incipit référence de l'oeuvre : Beau sire Dieux de trois choses vous sui jeo principalment tenuz a dire : Sire, mercye et graunte mercye
    Folio 1r - 68r

Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : Still in its original binding, CCCC MS 218, dating to the period c. 1354-75, contains the Le livre des seintes medicines of Henry of Grosmont (c. 1310-61), first duke of Lancaster. This is one of three extant copies, the other two being in Stonyhurst College 24, and Aberystwyth, NLW Peniarth 388.2. It is a devotional text containing an allegory in which the sickness of the body is parallelled with the sickness of the soul. Christ, as the doctor, heals the five senses from infection by the seven deadly sins. The book is of particular importance to the College because Henry of Lancaster played an important role in its foundation in the middle years of the fourteenth century and is commemorated as one of its great benefactors.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : français, latin

    Intervenants :

    Henry, Duke of Lancaster - author

    1r-68r - Henry, Duke of Lancaster, Le livre des seintes medicines || Livre de seintes medicines

    Note : Cest liuere estoit comence et parfait en lan de grace mill. CCCLIIII et le fist un fol cheitif pechour qi len appelle ERTSACNAL ED CUD IRNEH, a qi diex sez meffaitz pardoint. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Note : Ex hac inscriptione apparet autorem fuisse Henricum ducem Lancastriae; verba enim Ertsacnal ed cud irneh si a dextra ad sinistram legantur, sonant Henri duc de Lancastre

    rubric : (1r) In nomine patris, etc.

    rubric : (1r) Tres douz sire Jesu crist ceo qe ieo par laide de vous pense cy en apres a escrire Jeo vous pri et requer Sire humblement qil vous plaise a moy doner grace de ensi cest eneure comencer et accompler qe ceo soit a la plaisance de vous et al honour de vostre tres douce mere et al loange de toutz les seins et seintes de paradis. Amen

    incipit : (1r) Beau sire diex de trois choses vous sui ieo principalment tenuz a dire

    Note : The whole treatise is addressed to Christ and the Virgin

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (68r) Seins apostles martires confessours virges et veues Ensi soit il amen par seinte charite. Amen Amen

    Note : (68r) Then the colophon as given by Nasmith above

    Intervenants :

    Louis IX of France - author

    68r-70v - Louis IX of France, Monitiones to his son Philip || Monitiones quas Ludowicus rex Francorum in castris juxta Cartaginem moribundus fecit Philippo filio suo et manu propria scripsit

    Note : Then in another hand

    incipit : (68r) A. d. mill. ccmo septuagesimo obiit apud

    Note : (69r) Ending

    explicit : (69r) Ad ipsum videndum amandum et laudandum sine fine Amen, finis

    Note : On 70v is written

    Note : (69v) Mayster ffletewood R. ff. (?)



Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Research: Another copy of art. 1 is at Stonyhurst College (Hist. MSS. Comm. 1st Report , p. 145). The author was probably the second Henry of Lancaster, who died in 1361. It should be noted that he was looked upon in early times as the Founder of the College: he is so described, for instance, in the earliest Inventory of the College plate (about 1376). See also Lamb's ed. of Masters's History, pp. 22, 23.


  • Arnould, E. J. Le Livre de Seyntz Medicines. Anglo-Norman Text Society 2. Oxford, 1940.
  • Wilkins, Nigel. Catalogue Des Manuscrits Français de La Bibliothèque Parker (Parker Library). Corpus Christi College Cambridge. Cambridge: Parker Library Publications, 1993.

Data sources