Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 265


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : This manuscript is a miscellany from Worcester containing extracts from a very large number of texts, mostly relating to ecclesiastical observance and penance. Pp. 1-268 constitute a version of "Wulfstan's Handbook", a compilation made for the use of a confessor, and include an Old English form of confession. This compilation is associated with Wulfstan the homilist (d. 1023), bishop of Worcester and archbishop of York, advisor and legislator for both Æthelred the Unready and Cnut. The bulk of the manuscript is eleventh-century, but it was added to into the twelfth century and beyond. It also contains a twelfth-century copy of Hugh of Fleury OSB (d. 1128/35), Historia ecclesiastica siue Chronicon, here given the attribution to Ivo which is usual in its manuscript transmission. Pp. 551-4, the end flyleaves, are taken from a grand thirteenth-century Pontifical written in high-grade textualis.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : latin, anglais

    3-4 - Admonitio spiritualis doctrinae || Ammonitio spiritualis doctrinae

    Note : Text begins p. 3 in a very fine upright round hand, 26 lines to a page. Titles in red capitals. The first hand continues to p. 207

    rubric : (3) Incipit ammonitio spiritalis doctrine

    incipit : (3) Exalta in fortitudine

    Note : Not identified: consists of short extracts from named sources and resembles pseudo-Theodore chapter 2 Thorpe = MS 190, p. 169 Nero A, I, f. 126a

    4-7 - Admonitio episcopalis uitae || Admonitio episcop.' vit.'

    rubric : (4) Admonitio episcopalis vitae

    incipit : (4) O karissime frater corde tenus

    explicit : (7) Amen. vale

    Note : Partly in MS 190, p. 100 (De electione sacerdotalium ordinum)

    Intervenants :

    Alcuin - author

    7-13 - Letter from Alcuin to Æthelheard || Epistola Albini levitae [a] Æþelheaꞃðum archiepiscopum

    Note : Alcuin to Ethelheard=MS 190, p. 173

    Note : Collated by Dümmler

    13-17 - Letter from Alcuin to Eanbald || Epistola Alcwini ad Eanbaldum archiepiscopum

    Note : Alcuin to Eanbald=MS 190, p. 179

    Note : Collated by Dümmler

    Intervenants :

    Isidore of Seville - author

    17-20 - Isidore of Seville, Sententiae (excerpts from book 3, chapters 36-38) || De doctrina et exemplis praepositorum

    rubric : (17) De doctrina et exemplis prepositorum

    Note : =MS 190, p. 183

    rubric : (18) De his qui bene docent et male uiuunt

    rubric : (18) De exemplis prauorum sacerdotum

    Note : =Isidore or Amalarius Regula Canonicorum I 20, 29, 30 (Isidore Sent. III 35, 37, 38). P. L. CV

    rubric : (19) De variis obseruationibus episcopi

    Note : (19) Canons of Conc. Carthag. IV, fifteen short extracts in one paragraph

    Intervenants :

    Gerbald of Liège - author

    20-22 - First Capitulary of Gerbald of Liège || Jura quae sacerdotes debent habere || Iura quae sacerdotes debent habere

    Note : In 21 chapters

    rubric : (20) Hec sunt iura que sacerdotes vebent habere

    Note : Bateson, p. 714: 'Long believed to be by Archbishop Egbert, and since shown by Lord Selborne to be identical with a group of sacerdotal laws to which he would ascribe a date not earlier than 813 (but which are now believed to be earlier).' See Selborne op. cit. 42

    Intervenants :

    pseudo-Egberti - author

    22-37 - Excerptiones pseudo-Egberti, recension A || Excerptiones ex libris canonicis sive collectio canonum conciliorum et sanctorum patrum || Excerptiones Egberti

    Note : Plerumque concordant cum compilatione Echberto Eboracensi attributa in primo tomo conciliorum magnae Britanniae

    Note : Excerptiones Egberti, so-called (102 extracts)

    rubric : (22) Incipiunt excerptiones ue (sic) libris canonicis. Augustinus Aurelianensis episcopus dicit

    Note : Many excerpts missing in pp. 20-37 are supplied in other parts of the MS. See below on p. 60

    37-121 - Ecclesiastical extracts || Excerptio de canonibus catholicorum patrum, vel penitentia, vel ad remedium animarum domini Echberti archiepiscopi Eboracae civitatis

    Note : Omnino discrepat haec compilatio ab illa sub eodem fere titulo edita a Cl. Wilkins inter concilia M. B. ab alio codice hujus bibliothecae. Ut jam innui difficile est varia in hoc codice contenta propriis titulis insignire; et multus dubito utrum subsequentia inter partes hujus penitentialis sint numeranda

    Note : pp. 37-50 Egbert's Penitential

    Note : (37) α. Ordo confessionis sancti Hieronimi, qualiter confiteri debeat christianus peccata sua, Saxonice. Ex canonibus sub Edgaro rege editis

    Note : (37) The work known as the genuine Penitential of Egbert

    Note : pp. 50-51 Extract from pseudo-Theodore of Tarsus, Penitential

    rubric : (50) De egris qui ieiunare non possunt

    Note : a passage resembling pseudo-Theodore XXXV (2nd paragraph)

    Note : pp. 51-58. Passages from Theodulf's second letter to his clergy

    Note : pp. 58-69 Extracts on marriage and penance

    Note : pp. 60-72 are thus analysed by Miss Bateson:

    Note : (60) Thorpe, Excerpts 113, 114, 127, 123. Part of the 10th Canon of the first Synod of Arles followed by another sentence. Then, quotations from the Shepherd of Hermas (Mand. IV 1)Thorpe, Excerpts 122 and 120 (1st sentence)Sermon on marriageExcerpt 121 (part): extracts from Paul and Augustine containing Excerpt 119Excerpts 120 (last part, with a sentence added), 124, 125

    Note : (66) Excerpt 128 (first part): pseudo-Theodore (Wasserschleben) chapter v §§ 12, 11, and a sentence of § 19

    Note : (66) Table of prohibited degrees. Excerpts 132, 133 (and an added sentence), 131, 121 (a sentence), a sentence from Augustine on Hagar

    Note : pp. 69-71 Penitential extracts

    Note : (69) A passage analogous to Excerpts 131, 134, differing in the terms of years prescribed for penance

    Note : (70) Halitgar's Penitential IV 16, 17, 18, 19. Excerpt 126. Theodore, Penitentiale X § 1-3 (Wasserschleben, p. 211)

    Note : pp. 71-72 Extracts from the Capitula of the council of Aachen, 816

    Note : (71) Capitulary of Louis of 817 (called here Laws of Charles) chapters 10-12 (MGH. Leges I 207). Ansegisus, lib. II, cap. 34

    Note : pp. 72-83 The Old English Handbook for the use of a Confessor (Cameron B11.4.2)

    Note : (72) Ordo confessionis. Latin and Anglo-Saxon. Thorpe 402. MS 201, p. 114

    Note : pp. 83-91 Extracts from Ansegisi capitularium collectio

    Note : (83) Passages which occur in chapters 58-76 of Ansegisus' Capitulary of 827 (MGH. Leges I 278)

    Note : followed by a passage:

    rubric : (91) Incipit de regula canonicorum

    incipit : (91) Legibus institutis

    Note : which occurs again on p. 158. It is from the last chapter of the Reg. Canon. of Amalarius (I 145. P. L. CV 932)

    Note : (94) β. Qualiter sacerdos suscipere debeat penitentem

    Note : Penitential passages from diverse sources, beginning:

    rubric : (94) Incipit qualiter sacerdos

    Note : Then the opening sentences of the Penitentiale pseudo-Romanum (Wasserschleben, pp. 360-1), changing after the word statim

    Note : Then a passage De penitent' closely resembling the Penitentiale Cummeani on the means by which a powerful man may buy freedom from penance

    Note : Then pseudo-Theodore cap. IV with a slight change; a passage resembling the Latin of IV 26 of the so-called Anglo-Saxon Penitential of Egbert in four books: four unidentified passages on penance resembling Excerpts 131, 134: a passage resembling pseudo-Theodore I § 28, 29

    Note : (96) Irish Canons, including: Thorpe's Egbertine excerpts 74, 79, two resembling 62, and others not printed. Three Irish Canons printed by Miss Bateson, p. 721

    rubric : (98) Synodus

    Note : pseudo-Theodore III § 5-8 Wasserschleben 569 adding prices of homicides

    Note : pseudo-Theodore III § 1-4

    rubric : (99) Interrogat

    Note : Egbert, Dialogi quaestiones 1, 2, 12. Haddan and Stubbs III 403

    Note : (100) γ. Excerpta de libris Romanorum et Francorum

    Note : Canones Wallici, extracts called Excerpta de libri(s) Romanorum et Francorum

    Note : Martene, Nov. Thes. col. 135. This MS. gives chapters 5-8, 10-15, 17, 19, 20, 26-34, 37-57

    Note : Thorpe, Egbert. Excerpts 152, 153 (1st halves of each)

    Note : Canon Patricii 6 (1st part), H. & S. II pt ii, p. 328

    Note : (105) δ. Exempla Saxonica accastigationis hominum

    Note : (105) Excerpts printed by Miss Bateson, p. 724-727

    Note : (110) Formulae printed, ibid. 728-730

    Note : On p. 112 margin are a few words glossed in Anglo-Saxon

    Note : (113) ε. Decreta et epistolae Romanorum pontificum aliorumque

    Note : (113) Selections from the collection of Rodolph of Bourges (P. L. CXIX 703) preceded by titles omitted are chapters 2 (part), 5 (part), 3, 4, 6, 7 (part), 9 (part), 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17 (part), 22, 23 (part), 24

    Intervenants :

    Theodulf of Orléans - author

    121-160 - Theodulf of Orléans, Capitula || Epistola Theodulphi Aureliensis episcopi ad parochiam suam

    Note : Theodulf's first letter to his clergy (P. L. CV 191) preceded by capitula

    Intervenants :

    Ælfric OSB - author

    160-173 - Ælfric OSB, Pastoral Letters 2 || Sermo Elfrici episcopi ad clericos || Sermo Elfrici ad clericos

    Note : Matrimonium clericorum condemnat, et ad castitatem hortatur: non autem inquit cogimus violenter vos demittere uxores vestras, sed dicimus vobis quales esse debetis, et si non vultis, nos erimus securi et liberi a vestris peccatis, quia diximus vobis canones sanctorum patrum.

    Note : =MS 190, p. 188

    174-180 - Ælfric OSB, Pastoral Letters 3 || Sermo ejusdem ad sacerdotes || Idem ad sacerdotes

    Note : In quo haec notatu digniora;- infantibus baptizatis statim debetis dare communionem: - non licet celebrare missam cum solo vino nec cum sola aqua, quia vinum significat nostram redemptionem per sanguinem Christi, et aqua significat populum Dei pro quo ipse passus est. - De eucharistia, non fit tamen hoc sacrificium corpus ejus in quo passus est pro nobis, nec sanguis ejus quem pro nobis effudit, sed spiritualiter corpus ejus efficitur et sanguis, sicut manna quod de caelo pluit et aqua quae de petra fluxit. Ultimum hunc locum a papista quodam olim abrasum e veteri libro Exoniensis bibliothecae fuisse restitutum testatur in margine quidam neotericus

    Intervenants :

    Wulfstan - author

    180-198 - Wulfstan, Homily VIIIa, ecclesiastical extracts || De baptismo et missa [quae sola dicuntur sacramenta] ordinibus ecclesiasticis, &c. || De Baptismo

    incipit : (180) Primo necesse est

    Note : =MS 190, p. 159. Napier, Wulfstan no. IV

    Note : (182) De officio et mysterio missae =MS 190, p. 163

    Note : (185) De gradibus ecclesiasticis

    incipit : (185) Actenus de primordiis

    Note : cf. MS 190, p. 204

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (197) atque in eius laudibus pariter exultantes

    Note : (197) A little head well sketched in the margin

    incipit : (198) GregoriusMaximiniano

    199-208 - Ecclesiastical extracts || Alii canones sumpti e Gregorio et Adriano papa

    Note : List of titles of canons in two columns, followed by the text. Apparently from the Dionysio-Hadriana (P. L. LXVII 141)

    Note : The titles and text do not coincide in all particulars. First come nine titles, ending

    rubric : (199) Expliciunt Capitula Niceni

    Note : These are capp. 8, 17, 18, 20, 22, 25, 29, 42, 48 of Dionysius' Apostolical Canons issued by Clement

    Note : In the titles follows the rubric

    rubric : (199) Incipit Concilium eiusdem

    Note : Then 7 titles of which the first is the title of the first chapter of the text, and is the first of Dionysius' Canones Niceni Concilii xx (slightly different and imperfect). Then (not represented in the list of titles) chapters 17 and 20 of the same

    Note : The next title is that of chapter 8 of Silvester's Conc. Rom. (325 A.D. : P. L. VIII 835), this is given in the text and is followed by part of chapter II (not represented in the list of titles). Five more titles follow, the first two not represented in the text: these are Dionysius' Ancyran collection chapters 29, 30, 40: the last two are his chapters 45 (Neo-Caesarea) and 51 (Nicene)

    Note : The titles then have the rubric

    rubric : (199) Incipit Sinodus Gangrensis

    Note : and the titles of Dionysius chapters 71, 75. In the text these are preceded by his chapter 60 without separate rubric

    Note : The titles then proceed with a number taken from his African collection; these agree with the text and are those of his chapters 3, 4, 5, 7, 16, 17, 25, 32, 33, 70, 102, 109, 115. Here the table of contents ends

    Note : The first hand continues to p. 207

    Note : In the text there follow in another good hand the rubric

    rubric : (207) De capitulis beati pape Adriani et Angilramni episcopi

    Note : and chapters 71, 72 of Angilram's spurious collection (P.L. XCVI 1067)

    Note : (208) Last comes a passage from Concilium Toletanum IV 28 (P. L. LXXXIV 374)

    209-210 - Ecclesiastical extracts || Benedictio post absolutionem

    Note : (209) A paragraph in another xith cent. hand

    incipit : (209) Ex illorum consortio quidam rebelles sancte christianitati existentes corde amente in capite sancti quadragessimalis ieiunii terram beate marie adierunt que æt Christes hala alioque uocabulo æt ontelaƿe uocatur illamque combusserunt. homines quoque quosdam flagris adfecerunt. quosdam occiderunt substantiamque omnium terre illius habitatorum secum asportauerunt et adhuc in sua perseuerantes malitia ad penitentiam uenire dedignantur

    Note : (209) A cross in the margin refers to the excommunication form on p. 211, where is a like cross

    Note : (209) On the same page in a hand of cent. xii is a formula

    rubric : (209) Post absolutionem

    incipit : (209) Absoluti et benedicti sitis a patre

    Note : p. 210 blank but for a rudiment of a map, thus

    211-215 - Excommunication || Excommunicatio contra contemptores legis Domini et inimicos sanctae Dei ecclesiae post lectionem sancti Evangelii a pulpito per diaconum legenda; cum forma reconciliationis et absolutionis penitentium

    Note : Excommunication form referred to by Liebermann, p. xx

    Note : The excommunication form p. 211 sqq. is in a smaller script than the paragraph on p. 209 but probably by the same hand. On p. 215 there is a change of hand

    216-236 - Laws, Eadgar IV || Statutum Edgari regis de decimis solvendis, et alix leges ejusdem, Latine et Saxonice

    Note : Edidit Wilkins inter leges Anglo-saxonicas sub titulo supplementi L. L. Edgari regis

    Note : The same hand (of pp. 211-214) resumes on p. 216 and continues to p. 231 at least

    Note : (216) Laws of Eadgar

    Note : (216) Liebermann p. 207. Latin version of Eadgar's laws IV Prol.

    Note : (222) Liebermann p. 206. Eadgar IV Prol. Anglo-Saxon (Cameron B14.18)

    Note : pp. 228-231 in red ink

    incipit : (228) Feria .U. caene domini. Primo mane custodes ecclesie

    Note : Ends unfinished

    explicit : (231) perficiatque exorcismum audientibus tantum qui secus altare stant ministris. minime dicens. Dominus uobiscum. Neque oremus. Sed ita directe

    Note : pp. 232-236 are blank

    237-268 - Ælfric OSB, Letter to the monks of Eynsham || Excerpta ex institutionibus monasticis Ethelwoldi episcopi Wintoniensis compilata in usum fratrum Egneshamnensium per Elfricum abbatem

    Note : pp. 237-268 are in a very similar hand (to that on pp. 216-231)

    incipit : (237) Ælfricus abbas egneshamnensibus

    Note : Printed by Miss Bateson in Kitchin's Obedientiary Rolls of Winchester (Hampshire Record Soc.), p. 171

    Intervenants :

    Amalarius of Metz - author

    269-298 - Amalarius of Metz, Liber officialis (excerpts) || Libellus ecclesiastici ordinis, in quo de discretione vestimentorum divinorum et de omnibus ritibus in missa celebranda

    Note : The division of hands in the next section seems to be: (1) pp. 269 to about 279 (2) pp. 279 to 305. In these portions are some pretty initials

    rubric : (269) De discretione uestimentorum diuinorum

    incipit : (269) Amictus est primum

    explicit : (298) sed precipue in finem

    rubric : (298) Finit libellus Aecclesiastici ordinis

    Note : =Amalarius, de Ecclesiasticis officiis Lib. II chapters 17, 18, 25, 22, 20, 21, 19, 23, 24, 26; III 5, 6 (part), 7-22, 27, 32, 34, 35

    298-305 - Pontifical (Romano-Germanic) (excerpt) || Ordo processionis ad ecclesiam sive ad missam secundum Romanos

    rubric : (298) Ordo processionis ad ecclesiam siue ad missam secundum Romanos

    incipit : (298) Denuntiata statione diebus festis

    Note : (298) The text has a pretty initial in red, green and purple

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (305) mansionarii intrant in secretarium

    Note : Apparently = Ordo Romanus II, Mabillon, Museum Italicum II 42

    305-319 - Pontifical (Romano-Germanic) (excerpt) || Ordo missae a sancto Petro apostolo institutus, seu potius expositio totius missae ex concordia divinarum scripturarum

    Note : The division of hands in the next section seems to be: pp. 305 to 329. In these portions are some pretty initials

    rubric : (305) Ordo missae a Sancto Petro apostolo institutus

    incipit : (305) Missa pro multis causis celebratur

    explicit : (306) iusti ab iniustis separabuntur

    Note : ed. Hittorp, De divinis Catholicae Ecclesiae Officiis, p. 582

    rubric : (306) Incipit expositio totius missae ex concordia diuinarum scripturarum

    incipit : (306) Introitus missae cui conuenit? Patriarcharum prophetarumque preconiis

    explicit : (319) erant in templo laudantes et benedicentes dominum

    Note : Hittorp, l. c. with the last tract

    319-323 - Pontifical (Romano-Germanic) (excerpt) || Alia expositio totius missae

    rubric : (319) Incipit alia expositio totius missae

    rubric : (319) Introitus missae quare dicitur?

    incipit : (319) Eo quod per eum introitus ad eius officium

    explicit : (323) in choro clerus. extra chorum populus

    324-326 - Pontifical (Romano-Germanic) (excerpt) || Ordo processionis quando episcopus festivis diebus missam celebrare voluerit

    incipit : (324) Ordo processionis si quando episcopus festiuis diebus missam celebrare uoluerit

    explicit : (326) adhibentem manum episcopo osculetur eam

    Note : (not complete)

    Note : ed. Hittorp, p. 6-7, col. I

    326-329 - Pontifical (Romano-Germanic) (excerpt) || Qualiter quaedam orationes et cruces in TE IGITUR agendae sunt

    rubric : (326) Incipit qualiter quedam orationes et cruces in Te igitur agende sunt

    incipit : (326) Te igitur clementissime pater usque ad habeas et benedicas. hic signat oblationem

    Note : Mabillon, Ordo Romanus IV, Museum Italicum II 61, imperfect. P.L. CV 1330 at end of Eclogae of Amalarius. Hittorp, p. 588

    Intervenants :

    Amalarius of Metz (attrib.) - author

    329-367 - Amalarius of Metz (attrib.), Eclogae de ordine Romano || Eglogae de ordine Romano et de IIII orationibus episcoporum sive populi in missa

    Note : After p. 329 the hands (of which there may be two or three) are of a distinctly larger and rather coarser type. They continue to p. 442

    rubric : (329) Incipiunt Aeglogae

    Note : =Eclogae of Amalarius. P. L. CVI 315

    Note : A MS. of the second class: see M. Flicoteaux' article in Revue bénédictine 1908, p. 304

    Note : On p. 363 is an insertion of cent. xii, describing order of offices at Rome in Holy Week and Easter Week

    incipit : (363) Die cene consecrauit papa crisma in ecclesia saluatoris lateranis. et fuerunt ibi vi uasa uitrea plena oleo. In missa dixit prefationem. Qui corporali ieiunio etc. Dictum est ibi Agnus dei sicut solet

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (364) Distribuit papa agnos nouellos quos dicunt de cera et crismate anni preteriti cum deuotione maxima confectos esse et in specie agni utrobique impressos esse

    Note : pp. 365-367 blank

    Intervenants :

    Bernold of Constance - author

    368-442 - Bernold of Constance, Micrologus de ecclesiasticis obseruationibus || Ordo celebrandi missam per totum annum

    Note : pp. 368-371 in double columns. The hand is large, round and black, the vellum somewhat smaller. pp. 391-442 have 31 lines to a page

    Note : (368) Table of chapters. i. De introitu ad missam

    Note : (369) lxii. De dominicali officio non facile pretermittendo

    Note : Text

    incipit : (369) Presbiter cum se parat ad missam

    Note : =Micrologus. Hittorp, p. 436. P. L. CLI 979

    Note : (440) Two chapters follow chapter 62 viz

    rubric : (440) de ordine missae

    incipit : (440) Missam beatus petrus primum celebrasse fertur antiochie

    rubric : (442) De antyphonis

    incipit : (442) Ignatius antiochie sirie tertius post petrum

    Note : (Occurs in Tonarius of Regino. Coussemaker, Scriptores II 1)

    Note : Ending

    explicit : (442) et ex hoc ad cunctas transiit ecclesias

    Intervenants :

    Hugh of Fleury OSB - author

    443-554 - Hugh of Fleury OSB, Historia ecclesiastica siue Chronicon || Excerpta Ivonis venerabilis episcopi Carnotensis; in primis de gestis quorundam regum Assyriorum, et gestis omnium Romanorum imperatorum, et ad ultimum de Karolo magno rege Francorum et ejus filio Ludovico pio

    Note : In a fine small hand of cent. xii, 46 lines to a page

    Note : At upper R. corner (xiii):

    rubric : (443) cronica yuonis

    incipit : (443) Assiriorum igitur rex potentissimus fuit olim ninus

    Note : Ends p. 550 (on Ludouicus pius)

    Note : (P. L. CLXIII 629)

    explicit : (550) Porro ludouico imperatori quattuor successere filii quorum lotharius ... Karolus uero pius franciam burgundiam et aquitaniam optinuit solus

    rubric : (550) Explicit de omnibus imperatoribus romanis quorum quidam reges francorum fuerunt usque ad tempus uidelicet Ludouici pii Karoli magni filii qui ludouicus ultimus rex francorum et imperator romanorum fuit. Anno scilicet incarnationis dominice dccc xiiii intronizatus

    Note : Then follows title as in Nasmith

    rubric : (550) Incipiunt excerpta Iuonis, etc.

    Note : But the first four words are re-inked, and Incipiunt may have been Expliciunt. Some pen-trials follow

    Note : Pontifical

    Note : (551) The flyleaves are from a magnificently written Pontifical, 18 lines to a page, in a large hand of cent. xiii

    Note : (551) Begins in the Blessing of incense

    rubric : (552) Benedictio peregrinorum

    rubric : (553) Benedictio baculi et pere



Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • The book is evidently from Worcester. (See Strype's Parker II 509.)


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Research: An admirable study of the contents has been given by Miss Bateson in the English Historical Review, 1895, p. 712, and is summarized below. It is MS. C in Liebermann's Gesetze, X in Napier's Wulfstan. It is also dealt with in Lord Selborne's Ancient Facts and Fictions concerning Tithes, ed. 2, p. 230, 232 etc.
  • Additions: In protocollo habetur forma voti castitatis a monachis faciendi in haec verba: Ego frater N promitto Deo omnibusque sanctis ejus castitatem corporis mei secundum -- decreta et secundum ordinem mihi imponendum servare, domino presule Wlstano presente. On f. 1r the formula given by Nasmith, in an upright round hand: Ego frater N. promitto deo omnibusque sanctis eius castitatem / corporis mei secundum (patrum?) decreta et secundum / ordinem mihi (blank: above the line, imponendum) seruare. domno / presule uulstano presente.
  • Additions: On 1v there has been writing now washed out. There is an old table of contents in a pointed hand of cent. xiii: De spirituali doctrina Penitenciale egberti archiepiscopi eboracensis Ordo confitendi anglice secundum Jeronimum Quedam constitutiones Epistola Alfrici de consuetudine monachorum De diuinis uestimentis et officio misse De processione et statione romanorum Item triplex expositio super missam Cronica Yuonis.

Data source