Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 509


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : CCC MS 509, made in Germany, is a miscellany combining three volumes with texts with no obvious unifying theme, containing saints’ lives of Dorothy of Montau - Dorothea of Prussia (d. 1394) and Gall, tracts on penance and confession and a few sermons. The first text is the long Septitlilium uenerabilis dominae Dorotheae by Johannes Marienwerder (1343-1417), canon of the Teutonic Order at the cathedral of Marienwerder (modern Kwidzyn, Poland). The Confessiones of Dorothea of Prussia which form part of this work are in German. The next part of the book includes Henricus de Odendorp (c. 1350-99), Tractatus super decretalem de penitenciis et remissionibus. He was professor of canon law at the university of Vienna, and this is a treatise on the canon of the Fourth Lateran Council stipulating annual confession. The life of St Gall in the third section is by Walahfrid Strabo (d. 849). This volume is part of the Elbing collection; a group of manuscripts which belonged to a Brigittine convent at Elbing (Elblag), near Gdansk. The collection was donated to Corpus Christi College by either Richard Pernham (1583?-1628) or his wife Mary, whose name is in many of these books.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : latin, allemand

    Intervenants :

    Johannes Marienwerder - author

    1r-154r - Johannes Marienwerder, Septililium uenerabilis dominae Dorotheae || Septililium Dorothee vidue venerabilis

    rubric : (1r) Hic primo habetur oracio ad impetrandum xxxvj gradus caritatis venerabili domine dorothee reuelatos. Post hanc oracionem ponuntur dicti gradus summatim prout habentur tercio capitulo primi libri qui dicitur septililium predicte d. dorothee. Tercio habetur hic vita valde curta eiusdem domine jam premisse. Oracio seu meditacio in septem particulas distincta, etc.

    incipit : (1r) Domine deus qui precipis michi ut te diligam

    Note : (4v) The 36 gradus caritatis

    incipit : (4v) Caritas ignis diuinus in scripturis

    Note : (8r) An explanatory paragraph

    rubric : (8r) Hic est diligenter aduertendum quare caritas dicatur Immortalis

    rubric : (8v) Vita uenerabilis dorothee

    incipit : (8v) Uenerabilis memorie domine dorothee vidue in ecclesia Pomezaniensi recluse vite sanctitas

    explicit : (10r) medullitus ymmolemus dicentes gloria tibi domine

    Note : (10r) A series of prayers

    Note : ff. 11v-12v blank

    Note : (13r) A second copy of the prayer on ff. 1r-4v

    rubric : (17r) Incipit Prologus qui licet communiter omnibus venerabilis Domine Dorothee libris posset premitti specialiter tamen debet ultimis septem tractatibus unum librum constituentibus anteponi qui appellatur septililium. Scriptor gestorum venerabilis domine dorothee non valuit conuenienter se ne scriberet hunc librum et libros alios excusare

    incipit : (17r) De caritatiuis gradibus

    rubric : (21r) Tabula septililii

    Note : (29v) Tractatus I. De caritate, beginning with the 36 gradus caritatis (ut supra f. 4v)

    Note : (64r) Tractatus II. de spiritus sancti missione

    Note : (80r) Tractatus III. de venerando eukaristie sacramento

    Note : (102r) Tractatus IV. de contemplacione venerabilis domine Dorothee

    Note : (107v) Tractatus V. de Raptu

    Note : (111v) Tractatus VI. de perfectione vite christiane

    Note : (123v) Tractatus VII. de confessione

    Note : The Latin text of this ends

    explicit : (128v) Sponsa ergo domini acquiescens ammonicioni sic studuit confiteri per singulas vices secundum domini instrucciones et iussiones. fecit varias confessiones. Quarum multe ab eius ore conscripte pro simplicium edificacione in suo wlgari scilicet theotunico sunt relicte

    rubric : (129r) Explicit latinum

    rubric : (129r) Dy selige vrowe dorothea czu marienwerdir hot gelart von vnserem allirlibisten hern manchirley ding das her se hys beychten. vnde der synt vil hy noch geschreben alz sy von irn beychtigern von irem munde synt geschreben von den vomf synnen

    Note : (129r) Capitulum septimum

    incipit : (129r) Ich arme dorftige sunderynne Ich bekenne gote meynen allerlybesten hern

    Note : Cap. xxviii ends

    explicit : (154r) vnd Ablas vbir myne svnde vnd das ir gote vor mich betet. Amen. Amen

    rubric : (154r) Hy geen aus dy beychten der seligen vrowen dorothee Laus tibi sit Christe quoniam liber explicit iste Deo gratias

    rubric : (154r) Explicit liber Septililij venerabilis domine dorothee vidue benedicte. Et est finitus feria quarta In vigilia Sancti Nicolai presulis hora quasi xij. anno domini mill. cccco iiio

    Note : Added

    Note : (154r) dorch meynen wyllen geleden hunger vnd dorst hyczcze vnd vrost

    154v-156v - Penitential tract in German || De penitencia in Theutunico

    Note : In the hand of f. ir. The beginning of the matter on f. ir

    incipit : (154v) Noch der worheit vnd an vorziige der heyligen lever. eyn grunt vnd eyne thoeyr aller togunt

    explicit : (156v) vnd in beten ny volkomelich gelebet habe

    rubric : (156v) Residuum quere in principio libri

    Intervenants :

    Henricus de Odendorp - author

    157r-217v - Henricus de Odendorp, Tractatus super decretalem de penitenciis et remissionibus || Tractatus quidam juris super hanc decretalem omnis utriusque sexus de penitenciis et remissionibus

    incipit : (157r) Reuerendo in christo ... Kel (?) dei gratia Ep. ffrisingensi ... hinricus de odendorf de colonia utriusque iuris et artium professor

    explicit : (157r) breuiter esse volo

    Note : (157r) Tables of chapters in the Six Particulae

    incipit : (160v) Hic ergo materiis breuiter tabulatis

    rubric : (161r) Prima particula de penitencia rubrica

    incipit : (161r) Omnis. hoc signum ponitur distributiue

    Note : The hand changes near the end

    explicit : (217v) de adiutorio dei cui pro fine sit laus honor et gratiarum accio in secula seculorum. amen

    218r-218v - Infra scriptis denegetur communicacio sacra

    rubric : (218r) Infra scriptis denegetur communicacio sacra

    incipit : (218r) Primo omnibus carentibus fide et

    Note : (218v) blank

    Intervenants :

    Walahfrid Strabo - author

    219r-244v - Walahfrid Strabo, Vita et miracula Sancti Galli || Vita b. Galli diuisa in duos tractatus

    Note : (BHL. 3247-8)

    incipit : (219r) Cum preclara sanctissimi viri viri Columbani qui et columbina conuersacione per omnem hyberniam

    Note : The first book ends

    explicit : (232r) Ac quot hic prioris libelli finis que premissa sit terminet et sequenti que restant sine preiudicio comprehendenda inseruet

    Note : (232v) Capitula of lib. II (46)

    Note : (232v) 1. Quomodo hostes sepulcrum b. Galli uiolauerunt

    Note : (232v) 46. Ceca illuminata. Candela celicus accensa. Scotus multiplici debilitate curatus

    incipit : (233r) Meritis beatissimi Galli cottidie

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (244r) medelam implorare digneris (bis) per d. n. I.

    Note : Two additions of miracles

    Note : a.

    incipit : (244r) Videtur huic operi inserendum

    Note : b.

    incipit : (244v) Alio quoque tempore sanctimonialis

    explicit : (244v) gaudens abscessit

    244v-250v - Sermons on the dedication of a church and the Virgin Mary || Sermo de dedicacione ecclesie

    incipit : (244v) Ferculum fecit sibi rex salomon

    Note : Sermon in another hand

    incipit : (248r) Astitit regina a dextris tuis

    250v-269r - Tract on excommunication and penance || De sententia excommunicacionis et de penitencia sec. determinacionem juris

    Note : Headed

    rubric : (250v) Sequitur principium repeticionis

    Note : Title in the list of contents

    incipit : (250v) Domine ad adiuuandum me festina ps. 69. transpne in canone

    explicit : (269r) concedere non autem (?) indulgenciam. est finis



Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Mary Pernham on f. 13r.


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Additions: Binding, white skin over boards: metal tags, two on first cover, mark of that on second cover: paper label ·123· Small bosses, one strap.
  • Additions: List of contents on flyleaf (f. br)
  • Additions: ff. ir-iir, closely written in clear hand, contain prayers in German, beginning imperfectly: a. Confession. - sundir mit wissen vnd vorsatz. For the beginning see f. 154v. b. Herre Ihesu Christe der du gesprachen host seben wort. c. Almechtigen vnd ewiger got der weynenden vroude. d. Daz ist eyn gut gebethe vnd heist dy bichte. Herre Ihesus Ich gebe mich schuldig. e. Dys ist der vyrde salme in der septenen, etc. Erbarme dich herre. f. O heyliger herre synte Erasmus merterer. Wer dys gebeth alle suntage spricht vnd gebit eyn brot durch got den armen, etc.
  • Additions: f. iiv blank.

Data source