Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 456


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : CCCC MS 456 is a late fourteenth-century manuscript that contains miscellaneous texts, some of them scientific. These include Iohannes de Sacro Bosco (fl. early thirteenth century), Tractatus de sphaera, the treatise by Richard of Bury (1281-1345) on the collection and study of books, the Philobiblon, Alexander de Villa Dei (c. 1170-c. 1240) Algorismus, and the Latin translation of the Arabic version of the Secretum secretorum by Philip of Tripoli (fl. c. 1243), which is also in CCCC MS 407. This last work, popular in the later Middle Ages, is a compilation of advice on political and ethical matters directed towards rulers. In addition, there are three anonymous astronomical and mathematical treatises. Of all of these texts, it was surely Richard of Bury's Philobiblon that attracted Parker to this manuscript, since the Archbishop and the erstwhile bishop of Durham shared a love of books not simply for their contents, but as objects in themselves.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : latin

    Intervenants :

    Iohannes de Sacro Bosco - author

    3-26 - Iohannes de Sacro Bosco, Tractatus de sphaera || Joh. de Sacro Bosco de Sphaera

    incipit : (3) Tractatum de spera in quattuor capitula diuidimus

    Note : (4) Only one diagram

    explicit : (23) tota mundi machina dissoluetur

    rubric : (23) Explicit tractatus de spera

    Note : pp. 24-26 blank

    27-44 - Commentarius opus metricum de compoto manuali || Compotus manualis

    incipit : (27) Compotus iste diuiditur in sex partes quarum prima docet inuenire literam dominicalem

    Note : Ends with verses

    explicit : (44) Non licet hic licet hic hic non licet hic licet hic nonEst aries taurus gemini cancer leo uirgoLibra est scorpio architenens caper amphora piscis

    Note : (45) blank

    Intervenants :

    Alexander de Villa Dei - author

    46-76 - Alexander de Villa Dei, Algorismus || Alexander de Villa dei de algorismo

    incipit : (46) Hec algorismus ars presens dicitur in qua

    Note : (76) With prose insertions: ending

    explicit : (76) et habebis 22 que est summa predicte progressionis. hec iam dicta sufficiant ad dei laudem. Amen

    77-96 - The Theory of the Moon || Theorica lunae

    incipit : (77) Circulus ecentricus circulus egresse cuspidis et egredientis centri idem sunt

    Note : Spaces and whole pages left blank for figures

    explicit : (96) quod sit eclipsis lune in oppositione

    rubric : (96) Explicit theorica lune

    97-126 - The Theory of the Planets || Theorica planetarum

    incipit : (97) Circa theoricam trium superiorum est sciendum

    Note : No diagrams inserted

    explicit : (126) et ideo luna non retro graditur vide figuram

    rubric : (126) Explicit theorica planetarum

    Intervenants :

    Richard of Bury - author

    127-204 - Richard of Bury, Philobiblon || Ricardi de Bury Philobiblon

    incipit : (127) Uniuersis Christo fidelibus ad quos tenor presentis scripture peruenerit Ric. de Bury miseracione diuina dunelmensis episcopus. Quid retribuam domino pro omnibus que retribuit michi

    Note : Ends imperfectly

    explicit : (202) ac eiusdem concedit perpetuum fruibilis fa|-ciei conspectum

    Note : This and the colophon are added in a Parkerian hand

    Intervenants :

    pseudo-Aristotle - author

    205-339 - pseudo-Aristotle, Secreta secretorum (incl. Epistola Aristotelis ad Alexandrum) || PS.-Aristotelis Secreta Secretorum

    Note : (203) On the first page are a receipt and memorial verses on the sees of England and on musical notes [excerpt from De octo tonis]

    Note : (204) blank

    Note : Prologues

    incipit : (205) Domino suo.. Guidoni viro de valencia ... Philippus

    explicit : (208) feliciter peruenire

    Note : (208) Capitula of the ten books

    incipit : (213) Deus eternus custodiat regem nostrum

    explicit : (215) alie naciones

    incipit : (215) Iohannes qui transtulit hunc librum

    explicit : (216) sub hac forma

    rubric : (216) (Epistola Aristotelis missa regi Alexandro)

    incipit : (216) O fili gloriosissime

    Note : The division into ten books indicated in the capitula is not fully preserved in the text

    Note : (225) Liber II (of capitula) de temperamento potestatis legis begins on p. 225 not noted in text

    Note : (298) Liber III. de forma iusticie, etc. p. 298 noted in margin

    Note : (302) Liber IV. de baiulis regis, etc. p. 302

    Note : (320) Liber V. de scribis, etc. p. 320

    Note : (321) Liber VI. de nunciis p. 321

    Note : (322) Liber VII. de propositis regum, etc. p. 322

    Note : (323) Liber VIII. de dispensacione, etc. p. 323

    Note : (326) Liber IX. de regimine bellatorum, etc. p. 326

    Note : (330) Liber X. qui dicitur phisonomia aristotelis p. 330

    Note : (339) Ending

    explicit : (339) ad meliorem et probaciorem partem. Completus est tract. de signis et moribus naturalibus hominum ad Regem magnificum Alex. qui dominatus fuit toti orbi dictus monarcha in septentrione

    rubric : (339) ffinito libro sit laus et gloria Christo. precium iiijs (?)

    Note : (340) blank


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