Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 503


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : MS 503, a miscellany, contains diverse material copied in the period c. 1390-1430 in both Germany and Bohemia. The volume includes copies of Stephan of Roudnice’s expanded version of Aureum confessorum by Willelmus Durandus the Elder (c. 1237-1296), a tract on penitence, the Apparatus Decretorum by the canon lawyer Iohannes de Deo (c. 1190-1267), the Statutes of Arnestus (Ernest), Archbishop of Prague (or Ernest of Pardubice (1297-1364), Inhibitiones sacramenti eucharistiae, dated 1394, by Iohannes de Missa (Misna), the Pseudo-Bernard of Clairvaux, Speculum peccatoris, Peter of Poitiers (c.1130-1215), Genealogia historiarum (illustrated with diagrams and drawings), Quaestiones in De anima by John Buridan (1295-1358), Speculum historiale (extract of the Historia de Joseph et Aseneth) by Vincent of Beauvais (d. c. 1264), a map of the Holy Land, a list of Emperors and Popes, and notes on the foundation of religious houses in Gdansk and Marienburg (Malbork). This volume is part of the Elbing collection; a group of manuscripts which belonged to a Brigittine convent at Elbing (Elblag), near Gdansk. The collection was donated to Corpus Christi College by Richard Pernham (1583?-1628) or his wife Mary, whose signature is in several of the books.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : latin, allemand

    Intervenants :

    Willelmus Durandus the Elder - author

    Stephanius of Roudnice - author

    iar-38v - Willelmus Durandus the Elder, Aureum confessorum (expanded version by Stephanius of Roudnice) || Primo aureum confessorum

    Note : (iar) The first leaf in a different hand from the rest

    incipit : (iar) Quoniam ut apostollus prima ad Cor. iiij. Omnia honestate

    Note : begins

    incipit : (1r) Ut eo lucidius hiis qui jura non norunt tytuli decretalium

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (34r) in aliis multis capitulis superius allegatur

    rubric : (34r) Explicit aureum confessorum

    Note : In another hand

    rubric : (34r) Acus Sibille

    incipit : (34r) Est quoddam opus Rome sapienter a sapientibus et studentibus edificatum ad modum turris

    Note : inscribed with letters p. p. p. S. S. S., etc., which were interpreted by Bede when he visited Rome; whence the pope conferred on him the title of venerable

    explicit : (34r) Sicque mos inoleuit quod in omnibus omeliis suis venerabilis intitulatur et nuncupatur

    Note : ff. 34v-38v blank

    39r-62v - Tract on penitence || Tractatus valde bonus et necessarius de penitencia

    incipit : (39r) Cum omnis etas ab adolescencia prona sit

    explicit : (61r) simplici fornicacione

    rubric : (61r) Explicit de bigamis Quia, etc.

    Note : ff. 61v-62v blank

    Intervenants :

    Iohannes de Deo - author

    63r-71v - Iohannes de Deo, Apparatus Decretorum (Decretum abbreviatum) || Abreuiacio tocius decreti prosayce et metrice

    Note : a.

    incipit : (63r) Liber decretorum distinctus est in tres partes

    Note : b.

    incipit : (66v) Si quis in hoc opere facto per metra studereAppetit in genere decreta potest retinere...Cum sit canon ibi debent in pectore scribi

    rubric : (70v) Explicit abreuiacio tocius decreti

    Note : f. 71r-71v blank

    72r-100v - Statutes of Arnestus, Archbishop of Prague || Statuta domini Arnesti Archiep. Pragensis valde necessarius (!) curatis

    incipit : (72r) Statutum domini Arnesti sic dicit. Nullus presbiter parochianum alterius sine proprii licencia sacerdotis

    Note : With questions on each paragraph. Ends with an alphabetical table

    rubric : (100v) ffinis statutorum Reuerendissimi in Christo patris et domini domini Arnesti Archiepiscopi Pragensis et apostolici sedis legati. Amen

    Intervenants :

    Iohannes de Missa (Misna) - author

    100v-105v - Iohannes de Missa (Misna), Inhibitiones sacramenti eucharistiae

    rubric : (100v) Incipiunt inhibitiones sacramenti eukaristie collecte per domini Joh. de misna presbiteri anno domini mo ccco nonagesima quarta

    Note : Cap. 1

    incipit : (100v) Item primo omnibus hereticis manifestis

    explicit : (102v) laborem considerat et dolorem

    Note : (102v) Sermon on David

    incipit : (102v) Tytulus ps. Dauid. cum venit ad eum nathan

    Intervenants :

    pseudo-Bernard of Clairvaux OCist - author

    106r-109r - pseudo-Bernard of Clairvaux OCist, Speculum peccatoris || Speculum peccatoris

    Note : (P. L. XL 983)

    incipit : (106r) Quoniam karissimi in via huius seculi

    explicit : (109r) vitam eternam possideas. quam tibi concedat qui, etc.

    rubric : (109r) Explicit speculum peccatoris

    109r-116r - Auctoritates diuersorum sanctorum doctorum || Auctoritates diuersorum sanctorum doctorum

    incipit : (109r) Bernardus in 2a omelia super missus

    Intervenants :

    Peter of Poitiers - author

    116v-130r - Peter of Poitiers, Genealogia historiarum || Narraciones hystoriarum valde compendiose s. ab adam. Inchoans per patriarchas, Judices, Reges, prophetas et sacerdotes usque ad Christum

    incipit : (116v) Considerantes sacre historie prolixitatem

    incipit : (116v) Adam in agro damasceno formatur

    Note : Text on L. page: genealogical tree on R.

    explicit : (129v) genuisse Joachim patrem marie virginis

    130v-131r - Map of the Holy Land

    Note : (130v) A rough map or diagram of the Holy Land

    Note : (131r) In another hand some notes from the Jewish Law (Exod., Deut., etc.)

    131v-134v - List of Emperors and Popes

    Note : (131v) Lists of Emperors and Popes, synchronised

    Note : With a few historical notes

    Note : The last is

    Note : (134r) a. d. 1270 predictus karolus romam venit nauigio venit in apuliam bello habito manfred. regno et vita priuauit

    Note : (134v) List of heretics

    incipit : (134v) Arius presbiter in allexandria in multis turbauit fidem

    Note : (134v) Also a list of the clauses of the Creed assigned to the several Apostles

    135r-135v - Foundations of religious houses in Gdansk and Marienburg (Malburk)

    Note : (135r) The text of f. 135r-135v is wholly in German, in two hands, and consists of historical entries

    Note : a.

    Note : Foundation of Religious Orders

    incipit : (135r) Anno doi iiijc et xxx vart gestift d. orden Regulares canonici under sce Augustini regel ... Ao d. m. cc. lxx. wart gestift das closter Olyua bi gdanczk. Ao d. m. ccc. ix. Jar wart danczk gewune. dor noch in den neesten jar kouften di heren das lant czu pomeren

    Note : b.

    incipit : (135r) Was by meister Wynrichsz von knyprode gecziten geschen ist etc. vnd dor noch. Anno dni m. ccc. lxj. wart kynstot herczog von littawen gevangen vnd gebrocht kcu marienburg vnd entqwam vs dem gevengnisse

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (135v) A. d. m. cccc. xxxo vorstarb herczog Wytawt vnd herczog Swutergayl wart eyntrechticleich gekorn zu lytteuichen herren

    Intervenants :

    John Buridan - author

    136r-151v - John Buridan, Quaestiones in De anima || Questiones mag. Biridoon super libros de anima ualde bone

    incipit : (136r) Queritur utrum anima sit subiectum proprium et adequatum

    Note : Very closely written

    explicit : (151v) formati et patent questiones, de anima reuerendi mag. biridani

    Intervenants :

    Vincent of Beauvais OP - author

    152r-156v - Vincent of Beauvais OP, Speculum historiale (extract - Historia de Joseph et Aseneth) || Historia de asseneth uxore Josephi. Extracted from Vincentii Spec. Hist.

    incipit : (152r) Joseph natus anno patris sui xco

    explicit : (153v) collectis super lectulum suum pedibus obiit

    157r-157v - Various notes

    Note : In the last cover, various notes

    Note : (157r) Virtutes agnus dei (10 lines)

    incipit : (157r) Balsamus et munda cera cum crismatis unda

    Note : (157r) Heynrich. gut. korn. hat. ffrederich. Johan Gobil Echart

    Note : (157r) Receipt in German

    Note : Nym wisen burnsteyn jngeber

    Note : (157r) Lines on feasts: A. Geor., B. philippi

    Note : (157r) Signs of death: Fronte rubet, etc.



Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • The name of Mary Pernham in the cover (ev).


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Additions: Binding as no. 1 (MS 499). The bosses remain but no staple or clasps.
  • Additions: List of contents in the cover (ev) (which I quote where necessary).

Data source