Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 406


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : CCCC MS 406 contains a number of texts copied in a series of early thirteenth-century hands. Among these is what is thought to be one of the earliest versions of the 'A' recension of Seneca's Tragoediae to be copied in England. The text has been much used and discussed by modern editors of Seneca's Tragedies. Alongside this there appears a broad variety of texts typical of a monastic or university commonplace book including satirical verse, classical history, cosmology and poetics. The texts include the Architrenius of Iohannes de Alta Villa (fl. late twelfth century) and the Anticlaudianus of Alanus ab Insula (Alain de Lille, c. 1128-1203), Joseph of Exeter (d. 1210) Bellum Troianum, Walter of Châtillon (fl. c. 1160-90) Alexandreis, the first part of Bernardus Silvestris (d. after 1159) Cosmographia (the Megacosmos) and Geoffrey of Vinsauf (d. after 1200) Poetria noua. There has been some suggestion that the manuscript has an Oxford provenance, but when and how this manuscript passed into Parker's possession is not known.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : latin

    Intervenants :

    Seneca - author

    1r-40v - Seneca, Tragedies || Senecae Tragoediae

    Note : Triple columns. Misbound. The true order of the quires is 1, 4, 3, 2, 5

    Note : a.

    Note : (1r) Hercules Furens

    rubric : (1r) Iuno

    incipit : (1r) Soror tonantis hoc enim solum mihi

    Note : b.

    Note : (5r) Thiestes

    Note : Ending imperfect

    explicit : (8v) Parere crescit pondus et dextram grauat

    Note : l. 986

    Note : Continued f. 25r

    Note : c.

    Note : (9r) Medea

    Note : Begins imperfect l. 387

    incipit : (9r) Flammata facies spiritum ex alto citat

    Note : The beginning is on f. 23v

    Note : d.

    Note : (11r) Agamemnon

    Note : e.

    Note : (14r) Octauia

    Note : Breaks off at l.761

    explicit : (16v) Superos adora maneat ut presens metus

    Note : Continued on f. 33r

    Note : f.

    Note : (17r) Edippus

    Note : Beginning at l. 285

    incipit : (17r) Gelidumque dirimit

    Note : The beginning is on f. 32r

    Note : g.

    Note : (19v) Troas

    Note : c.

    Note : (23v) Beginning of Medea

    Note : b.

    Note : (25r) End of Thiestes

    Note : h.

    Note : (25r) Thebais

    Note : i.

    Note : (27v) Ypolitus

    Note : g.

    Note : (32r) Beginning of Edippus

    Note : e.

    Note : (33v) End of Octavia

    Note : k.

    Note : (33v) Hercules Oetheus

    Note : Ending 39v

    explicit : (39v) Fulmina mutes

    rubric : (39v) Lucii. Annei. Senece. Hercules Oe ... neus explicit feliciter

    Note : f. 40r-40v blank

    Note : Examined by Mr C. E. Stuart, Trinity College, Craven Student 1907. It is one of the earliest of the English MSS.

    Intervenants :

    Iohannes de Alta Villa - author

    41r-64v - Iohannes de Alta Villa, Architrenius || Iohannis de Alta villa Architrenius

    Note : Another hand: double columns

    incipit : (41r) Velificatur athos dubio mare ponte ligatur

    Note : Wright, Satirical Poets of the Twelfth Century I 240

    Note : Ends f. 64r

    explicit : (64r) Equet in eternum populus dilectus et ultra

    rubric : (64r) Explicit

    Note : On f. 64v in 4 columns are the capitula to the Architrenius

    Intervenants :

    Bernardus Silvestris - author

    65r-74r - Bernardus Silvestris, Epistola ad Terricum in Megacosmum || Bernardi Siluestris Megacosmus

    Note : Another hand: double columns

    rubric : (65r) Incipit Epistola magistri bernardi siluestris ad magistrum Terricum in megacosmum

    incipit : (65r) Terrico ueris scientiarum titulis doctori

    explicit : (65r) ualeatque uita uestra

    rubric : (65r) Incipit megacosmus bernardi siluestris

    incipit : (65r) Congeries informis adhuc cum silua teneret

    Note : (69r) Liber II

    Note : Ends 74r

    explicit : (74r) Ductoresque pedes omnificasque manus

    rubric : (74r) Explicit cosmographia magistri bernardi siluestris

    Note : Ed. Wrobel and Barach, Biblioth. philos. mediae aetatis I, Innsbruck, 1875

    Intervenants :

    Joseph of Exeter - author

    74v-86v - Joseph of Exeter, Bellum Troianum || Iosephi Exoniensis Ilias

    Note : (74v) (Prologue)

    incipit : (74v) Cresce Ioseph nomen augmenti moribus impleNe uirtute minor nomine maior eas...Nam uacuus labor est carpere mortis iter

    rubric : (74v) Frigii Daretis Yliados liber primus de prima pergamorum euersione incipit

    incipit : (75r) Iliadum lacrimas concessaque pergama fatisPrelia bina ducum bis adactam cladibus urbem

    Note : (77r) Herethe hand changes and there are 3 columns to a page

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (86v) Quam pascit presens extremaque krminat etas

    rubric : (86v) Frigii Daretis yliados liber explicit

    Note : Printed several times: e.g. in the London reprint of the Delphin edition of Dares Phrygius and Dictys Cretensis (1825)

    Intervenants :

    Alanus ab Insula (Alain de Lille) - author

    86v-100v - Alanus ab Insula (Alain de Lille), Anticlaudianus || Alani Anticlaudianus (without the prose preface)

    incipit : (86v) Auctoris mendico stilum falerasque poete

    Note : Wright, Satirical Poets of the Twelfth Century II 272

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (100v) Supplantare nouas saltem post fata silebit

    101r-101v - De coloribus sententiarum

    Note : a.

    Note : (101r) Poem exemplifying colores, double columns

    Note : Headings in margin

    rubric : (101r) Exempla colorum sententiarum

    incipit : (101r) Ecce Est pape leges sacras dictantere minorum

    Note : (101r) Distinctio

    Note : (101r) Prescriptam iuris formam seruare sed errant

    Note : (101r) Licencia

    Note : (101r) Quam plures quorum ce pape redarguit error. Parcis non punis enormia lucra sequentes, etc....

    Note : (101r) (Breuitas)

    Note : (101r) Non persona patris uel sacri flaminis esse Debuit ipsa salus hominis sic collige paucis

    Note : (101v) Demonstracio

    explicit : (101v) Ciuibus angelicis celo nascente creatis Lucifer egregie lucis de luce creantis ... Istius radix sic sum quasi causa remota Huius pestis ero uicine causa salutis

    Intervenants :

    Geoffrey de Vinsauf - author

    102r-112v - Geoffrey de Vinsauf, Poetria noua

    Note : b.

    rubric : (102r) Incipit liber magistri Galfridi (Vinesauf: cut off) Anglici ad Willelmum de Wrotham epistola prima

    incipit : (102r) Quem pape scripsi munus speciale libelliAccipe flos regni primo pocieris honore...Sed licet omnis apex tibi crescat honoris, honoreCrescere non poteris quantum de iure mereris

    Note : Text begins

    incipit : (102r) Papa stupor mundi si dixero papa nocenti

    Note : Ends 112v

    explicit : (112v) Plene. sed res est longe fecundior ore

    rubric : (112v) Explicit artificium lepide loquendi

    Note : Printed in Leyser, pp. 861-978

    Intervenants :

    Walter of Châtillon - author

    113r-144v - Walter of Châtillon, Alexandreis || Gualteri de Castellione Alexandreis

    Note : (113r) Another hand

    incipit : (113r) Primus aristotiles imbutum nectare sacro...Pergama miratur et sompnia uisa retractat

    incipit : (113r) Gesta ducis macedonie totum digesta per orbem

    explicit : (113r) nostram paciare camenam

    Note : The next eleven lines in another hand

    incipit : (113r) Nondum prodierat mature plena tenellis...Confusos turbare duces primumque (?) leonis

    Note : (141v) Liber X ends

    explicit : (141v) Gloria Willelmi nullum moritura per euumLaus tibi sit christe quia finitur liber iste

    rubric : (141v) Explicit liber Alexandri

    Note : (141v) Prose prologue

    incipit : (141v) Moris est usitati cum in auribus multitudinis

    explicit : (141v) totum opus per capitula distinguamus

    Note : Capitula follow, ending with the argument of Liber I (Primus Aristotiles) as above

    Note : See Hist. Litt. XV 100. Ward, Catalogue of Romances I 94. Often printed

    Note : On ff. 142v-144r are scribbles, notes, memorial verses, lists of sins, etc.

    Note : Liber VII 331, etc. reads

    incipit : (132r) Nollet corruptus munere iudexNon caderent hodie nullo discrimine sacriPontifices. quales nuper cecidisse querunturVicine modico distantes equore terreSed quia labilium, etc.



Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Additions: On f. ir is pasted a slip with a list of contents (xiii): In hoc uolumine cantinentur subscripta. i. Tragedie Senece. Soror tonantis. ii. Architrenius. Velificatur athos, etc. The other flyleaves blank.

Data source