Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 66


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : MS 66, as described by M. R. James, included half of a manuscript belonging to the Cistercian abbey of Sawley (Yorks.) and half of a manuscript belonging to the Benedictine abbey of Bury St Edmunds. The other two halves of the Bury and Sawley manuscripts are bound together as Cambridge, UL MS Ff. 1. 27. However, MS 66 has since been separated into MS 66 (Sawley MS) and MS 66A (Bury MS). The volume now known as MS 66 contains copies of the Imago mundi of Honorius Augustodunensis (fl. first half of twelfth century); Extracts from Pliny the Elder and Solinus; the Historia Anglorum; De statu ecclesiae by Gilbert of Limerick (d. 1145); Theobald of Étampes's Letter to Robert Bloet, Bishop of Lincoln; De sex alis cherubim and De tribus in penitentia considerandis both by Clement of Llanthony OSA (d. after 1169), and a treatise on confession. The Imago mundi and De sex alis cherubim contain four large framed coloured drawings and a map of the world.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : latin

    Intervenants :

    Honorius Augustodunensis - author

    1-58 - Honorius Augustodunensis, Imago mundi || Imago mundi contexta per Henricum canonicum ecclesiae S. Mariae civitatis Moguntiae de rerum naturis, imperatoribus, regnis, regibus, et pontificibus, usque ad Henricum imperatorem filium Henrici, lib. ii

    Note : Huic operi praefigitur mappa mundi, p.5

    Note : (1) List of contents (xv), the latter part erased

    Note : (2) A Mappa Mundi in roughly oval form. In the corners of the page are full-length angels with gold nimbi and drapery in red and green outline. Two of them hold books, a third a trumpet. On this map see Santarem Essai de l'histoire de la Cosmographie III 463-492

    Note : (3) Capitula of Imago Mundi as far as De Cesare Augusta

    Note : Continuing

    incipit : (4) Post hec de omnibus imperatoribus ... (as far as the year IIII) quo anno liber iste finitur

    incipit : (4) Iste henricus qui hunc librum edidit fuit canonicus ecclesie s. marie ciuitatis Magontie in qua ecclesia sunt canonici bis quater quaterque deni

    Note : A paragraph in another hand

    incipit : (4) Omnes reges persarum artaxerses dicuntur

    explicit : (4) omnes reges Atheniensium cicropes dicuntur

    rubric : (5) Epistola henrici ad henricum

    incipit : (5) Henrico. Septiformi spiritu in trina fide, etc.

    Note : (CLXXII 119)

    explicit : (5) penitus ignorare

    rubric : (5) Rescriptum henrici. Incipit prefacio henrici in libro qui dicitur ymago mundi

    incipit : (5) Sapientie alumno abdita diligenter scrutanti

    Note : (CLXXII 119)

    explicit : (6) maior(um) commendat traditio

    rubric : (6) Liber Henrici qui dicitur imago mundi

    rubric : (6) Incipit liber I qui describit omnem corpoream creaturam

    incipit : (6) Mundus dicitur quasi undique motus

    Note : (CLXXII 121)

    Note : (6) Handsome initial in gold filled with work in red and green

    Note : (28) Liber II

    incipit : (28) Priori libello globum

    Note : (CLXXII 146)

    Note : (51) An insertion or supply in much smaller hand: apparently the place was blank

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (58) anno ab incarn. domini mo. co. xo. [added (xii): quis autem post hunc regnum adepturus sit, posteritas uidebit]

    Note : Colophon added xiv

    rubric : (58) Explicit ymago mundi contexta per Henricum canonicum ecclesie sancte marie ciuitatis Magoncie de rerum naturis etc. ad henricum imperatorem filium henrici

    Note : Usually ascribed to Honorius of Autun, but conjectured by Lebeuf to have been written by a German (Neues ArchivV 643). Extracts in MGH (Scriptores X 132)

    Intervenants :

    Pliny the Elder - author

    Solinus - author

    58-65 - Extracts from Pliny the Elder and Solinus || Quaedam ex Plinio aliisque de geographia

    Note : (58) Plinius IIus libro 1o

    incipit : (58) Mundus et in eo terre (?II 1)

    incipit : (59) Uni animancium luctus

    incipit : (59) Sequitur terra cui uni rerum (II 63)

    incipit : (60) Effigiem dei formamque querere (II 7)

    explicit : (60) totus animi totus sui

    rubric : (60) Ista omnia plinius secundus

    Note : (61) Another hand

    incipit : (61) Niniue speciosa interpretatur. Et de deo atque mundo in quodam philosophorum legitur. Tu cuncta superno ducis ab exemplo pulcrum pulcherrimus ipse etc.

    explicit : (61) Nunc aliqua de ecclesie decore in medium prodeant

    incipit : (61) Mundus septem habet liquores uinum. oleum, lac. etc.

    incipit : (62) Solinus. Vrbs Babilon est lx ma passuum

    incipit : (62) Uiginti duobus milibus passuum muro amplexa

    explicit : (62) obiectu protente lingue strangulatur

    rubric : (62) Mensura circuit totius terre sec. romanos doctissimos gnomonica ratione certissime comprobata

    incipit : (62) Terre tocius ambitus omnisque plenus circuitus iuxta romanorum diuisionem est trecencies et quindecies centena m. passuum

    explicit : (62) per gados et omnis mensura attestante artemidoro assertionibus meis habet m. octogies sexies lxxxv. En habes longitudinem multipliciter memoratam

    incipit : (63) Latitude autem

    explicit : (63) usque ad tilen ultimam tendi

    rubric : (63) Alia ratio de longitudine

    incipit : (63) Europe solius mensura

    explicit : (63) cum ipsa meotide clxxxii xc passuum

    Note : Change of hand

    incipit : (63) Hec monstra sub solis ortu habitant. alii tocius oris planicie informes

    explicit : (63) In mari rubro sunt tres insule. enea una. alia ferrea tercia erea

    incipit : (64) Quis primus fuit rex in mundo. Tanus rex scitarum in tempore Ragau

    explicit : (64) Baltasar regem illius interfecit

    incipit : (64) Arbor quelibet infructuosa si perforetur terebro et cuneo obstruetur fructifera efficitur (ends here)

    Note : (65) blank

    66-98 - Historia Anglorum || Historia de origine Anglorum et de regnis eorum ab Adam usque ad secundum Henricum imperatricis filium, qui regnavit in Anglia post pium et nobilem regem Stephanum, et de omnibus episcopatibus et episcopis totius Anglias pulchre et subtiliter composita

    Note : Ex adverso primae paginas est delineatio rotae fortunas coloribus illuminata; sequitur tabula genealogica ab Adamo ad Woden, in qua enumerantur generationes saltem xxvi; et post hanc figura Wodeni satis nitida cum nominibus filiorum ejus unde reges Angliae duxerunt originem: historia ipsa incipit ab heptarchia, et continuatur usque ad Henricum II, sed ea brevitate ut septem solummodo constet foliis. Liber secundus eadem brevitate enarrat successionem episcoporum: res vero Eboracenses fusius caeteris tractantur, dimidio libri huic provincial impenso: desinit utraque historia in anno 1181

    Note : (66) A fine full-page picture framed, medallions at corners of two birds and two beasts. Ground red at the sides, dark blue in the middle. Above in C. is the wheel of fortune mainly in gold with the usual four figures. It is inscribed: (top) Glorior elatus. (R.) Descendo minorificatus. (bottom) Infimus axe teror. (L.) rursus ad astra feror. Below two stately crowned females in patterned robes, and light pink mantles, gold-bordered. The one on L. Fortuna is turning the wheel. She has a scroll: Mundana casu aguntur omnia. The other Sapientia points one finger up: her scroll is: Nichil in mundo fit casu. Round the frame on three sides is: Ego sapientia habito in consilio et eruditis intersum cogitationibus, per me reges regnant etc. to inuenient me (Prov. viii. 12-17). The style is severe and impressive

    Note : (67) is framed and has a central shaft inscribed in red with the line of descent from Adam to Woden. At top of this is the bust of Adam, a silver rainbow over him, and at bottom are his feet. On R. and L. are Biblical genealogies, Adam to Manasses and a list of descendants of Shem, Ham, Japheth

    Note : At bottom

    rubric : (67) Incipit historia de origine Anglorum et de regnis eorum

    incipit : (68) Britannia a quodam consule romano Bruto dictum est

    Note : (69) This page is framed and has full-length figure of Woden crowned holding gold flower, in red and green outline, silver and gold borders to his robes. At the sides are crowned busts of his seven sons. In the field are written accounts of them

    Note : At bottom

    rubric : (69) Incipit liber primus de gestis regum

    Note : (70) The hand changes to a thicker and smaller script

    incipit : (70) Prenotata serie generationum ex qua primi anglici generis reges prodierant

    Note : The kingdoms of the heptarchy are treated, successively, names of kings in red at the side and between the columns. Each kingdom has handsome gold or red initial of the same style as that on p. 6

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (79) Duxit uero uxorem Alienorem ... ducis aquitanie

    rubric : (79) Explicit liber primus de gestis regum

    rubric : (79) Incipit liber secundus de gestis pontificum

    incipit : (80) Siquidem anno ab incarnacione domini d. lxxxxii. Mauricius ab augusto Lus IIIIus imperium suscipiens

    Note : The sees are treated separately, and there are many tables of bishops elaborately framed in red and green

    Note : Ends with Candida Casa (9th Bp Christianus): on p. 98 a later hand inserts York, ending with Tunbertus, Johannes

    explicit : (98) Explicit Historia de gestis omnium regum anglorum post aduentum illorum in angliam et episcoporum et omnium episcopatuum tocius anglie post aduentum sancti augustini in angliam usque hodiernum diem id est usque ad annum post incarnationem Christi m. c. octogesimum VIII regnante glorioso rege henrico secundo. Angli saxones regnante marciano secundo uenerunt ad britanniam anno uidel. post passionem Christi ccccmo. xlo. septimo

    Intervenants :

    Gilbert of Limerick - author

    98-98 - Gilbert of Limerick, De statu ecclesiae (prologue) || Prologus libelli Gillas episcopi Luwnicensis de usu ecclesiastico

    Note : (98) (Gilbert of Limerick) Larger hand

    incipit : (98) Episcopis presbiteris tocius hibernie infimus presulum. Gille lumnicensis in Christo salutem. Rogatu necnon et precepto multorum ex uobis karissimi canonicalem consuetudinem in dicendis horis et peragendo tocius ecclesiastici ordinis officio scribere conatus sum etc.

    explicit : (98) sic ei uestris precibus adiutus una uobiscum spallere in celestibus ualere merear. Amen

    rubric : (98) Explicit prologus libelli Gille lumnicensis episcopi De usu ecclesiastico

    Note : The prologue and the tract are in Ff. 1. 27, pp. 239 - 42 (no. 16), and also in the Durham MS. B. II. 35. Printed by Ussher, Sylloge Epistolarum Hibernicarum, no. xxx. P. L. CLIX 995

    Intervenants :

    Theobald of Étampes - author

    99-101 - Letter of Theobald of Étampes to Robert Bloet, Bishop of Lincoln || Theobaldus Stampensis ad Robertum Lincoln, de confessione in ultimo

    rubric : (99) De confessione in ultimo Teobaldus Stampensis ad Robertum Lincolniensem Episcopum

    incipit : (99) De quibusdam in diuina pagina titubantibus

    explicit : (101) commimeatus (?) in puluerem redigatur

    rubric : (101) Explicit epistola de confessione in ultimis

    Note : See Mon. Germ. Hist. (Libelli de Lite III 603: by Boehmer, from Dachery's printed edition)

    Note : The text is interrupted on p. 100 by the frontispiece to no. 6

    Intervenants :

    Clement of Lanthony OSA - author

    100-108 - Clement of Lanthony OSA, De sex alis cherubim || Descriptio magistri Clementis [Lanthoniensis] prioris canonicorum regularium sanctas Mariae civitatis Claudiocestrias de sex alis et xxx pennis Cherubim

    Note : (100) This page is framed and has full-page drawing in coloured outline of a six-winged cherub with the wings and feathers inscribed with names of virtues etc. represented by them

    rubric : (101) Incipit descriptio prime ale cherubin

    Note : (name of author added xvi)

    incipit : (102) Prima ala confessio est

    Note : (cf. P. L. CCX 269)

    explicit : (108) in hac uita diligenter custodiat

    rubric : (108) Explicit descriptio magistri clementis prioris canonicorum regularium S. Marie ciuit. claudiocestrie de sex alis et xxxta pennis cherubin

    108-112 - Clement of Lanthony OSA, De tribus in poenitentiae considerandis || Idem de tribus in penitentia considerandis, scilicet compunctione, confessione, satisfactione

    rubric : (108) Incipit idem de tribus in penitentia considerandis, scilicet compunctione, confessione, satisfactione

    incipit : (108) De confessione superiori tractatu

    explicit : (112) minus uel parum peccantibus



Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Vol. I is from Sawley or Salley Abbey. On p. 2 at top in red is: Liber Sancte Marie de Salleia. The latter half of it, bound up together with the latter half of the Bury St Edmund's MS. which forms Vol. II of the present book (now MS 66A), was given by Parker to the University Library, and is now MS. Ff. 1. 27 there. James provides a full listing of the contents for two manuscripts, one from Sawley and one from Bury St. Edmund's, each of which had been split in half and rebound - the first half of the Sawley with the first half of the Bury, second half of Sawley with second half of Bury - into MS 66 and ULC Ff. 1. 27 respectively. James' CCC 66 has since been separated again (rebound in 1954 by John Gray) so that James' Volume I (the Sawley portion) is now MS 66 and James' Volume II (the Bury portion) is now MS 66A.


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Research: James lists the following contents for the complete Sawley MS., which is currently divided between MS 66 and ULC. Ff. 1. 27:CCC 66: Mappa Mundi, p. 2. Imago Mundi, p. 3. Miscellaneous extracts on Cosmography, p. 58. Wheel of Fortune, p. 66. Genealogical table, p. 67. Hist, de origine Anglorum, p. 68. *Prologue of Gilbert of Limerick, p. 99. Theobaldus Stampensis de confessione, p. 99. Picture of Cherub, p. 100. De sexalis Cherubin, p. 101. De confessione, p. 108. De quatuor generibus confessionis, p. 112. ULC Ff. I 27: Gildas. *(Nennius) Hist. Britonum, p. 112. Hist. Britonum (2) (Gildas): Drawing of the sons of Noah. *Bede, de temporibus. Chronological matter from Bede. Stories from Will. Malmesbury. Symeon of Durham. Hist. Dunelm. Miscellanea (Durham). Hist. de S. Cuthberto. Anglo-Saxon poem on Durham. Æthelwulf's poem. De regibus angliae. Miracles. Richard of Hexham. Full-page drawing. Gilbert of Limerick. Kings of Britain, Israel, Judah, Persia, Chaldaea. Reges Francorum. For the complete list of contents given by James for both manuscripts, please see the following figure:

Data source