Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 197A


Data Source: Jonas

  • Anonyme | Procès de Jeanne d'Arc
    Incipit référence de l'oeuvre : A tous vrays fidelles et chevalliers de la foy catholique, Pierre reverend pere en Dieu, monsieur l'evesque de Beauvays, et religieuse personne frere Jehan le maistre de l'ordre des freres prescheurs, par honorable et discrete personne maistre Jehan Graverent
    Page 1 - 34
  • Anonyme | Procès de réhabilitation de Jeanne d'Arc
    Page 39 - 78

Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : CCCC MS 197A is the first part of what was, in James' time, a single volume; the other portion, containing the eighth-century Gospels, is now in CCCC MS 197B. CCCC MS 197A now contains sixteenth-century transcripts of King Alfred's letter to bishop Werfrithus (d. 915), the trial of Joan of Arc (Robert Ciboule's Tractatus and accompanying documents) and material relating to the treason and death of Archbishop Scrope (c. 1350-1405). The rest of the manuscript is taken up with continuations of Ranulf Higden OSB (d. 1364), Polychronicon including the unique version commonly called The Westminster Chronicle ending in 1389 and written not long after the events it describes. This part of the manuscript has been given a dating of c. 1400-25. Although the various elements of CCCC MS 197 were clearly assembled by Parker, nothing is known of how the medieval texts came into his possession.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : latin, anglais, français, anglais

    Intervenants :

    King Alfred - author

    a-d - Epistle of King Alfred to Bishop Werfrith || The epistle of king Ælfred to Bishop Werfrith

    rubric : (a) The Epistle of King Alfred to Werfrithus (erased), bishop of (Worcester)

    Note : In English: on 2 ff. of paper

    1-84 - The trial of Joan of Arc || Processus contra Iohannam dictam le Puzel

    Note : 42 ff.xvi

    rubric : (1) Processus contra Johannam dictam le Puzel

    Note : Documents in Latin and French with some English renderings

    Note : (35) Extract from Hall's Chronicle

    Note : (37) Description and figure of a Jewish coin figured in Beza's N. T.Apparently the coin was given to Parker by Ambr. Blaurer

    rubric : (39) Processus pro Joanna galla dicta le Puzell

    incipit : (39) De puella quadam Joanna nuncupata que temporibus nostris preter solitum feminis

    Note : Ends p. 78: signed Robertus Cybole

    Note : (78) Exscriptum ex originali ipsius authoris qui singulas paginas totius libri manu sua et nomine sic subscripserat R. C. R. C.

    Note : This is Robert Ciboule who took part in the process of rehabilitation of Joan of Arc in 1437. See Quicherat, Procés, 1841-9, who has published extracts

    Note : (79) Extract

    rubric : (79) ex historia quadam veteri ubi tractatur de regibus Richardi 2' et Hen. 4'. et est in supplemento Chronice Ranulphi mutuat. a Mro Lambert, et est liber L. Nowel

    incipit : (79) In primordio huius regis (Henrici quarti) excrescebat nimis insolentia indumentorum

    explicit : (79) nos percutere non desinet

    Note : pp. 80-84 blank

    Intervenants :

    Ricardi Scrope - author

    85-93 - Articuli venerabilis domini Ricardi Scrope archiepiscopi Eboracensis contra Henricum quartum intrusorem regni Angliae A. D. 1399 || Articuli venerabilis domini Ricardi Scrope archiepiscopi Eboracensis contra Henricum quartum intrusorem regni Angliae A. D. 1399

    rubric : (85) Articuli venerabilis domini Ricardi. Scrope etc.

    Note : Ed. by Wharton, Anglia Sacra II 362 from this MS

    93-94 - Causa quare decollatus est archiepiscopus Ricardus Scrope || Causa quare decollatus est archiepiscopus Ricardus Scrope

    rubric : (93) Hec fuerunt cause quare decollatus est Archiepiscopus Ricardus Scrope

    Note : Wharton, Anglia Sacra II p. 369

    94-98 - Martyrdom of Richard Scrope || Martirium praedicti Ricardi archiepiscopi

    rubric : (94) Hic incipit martirium predicti Ricardi Archiepiscopi

    Note : Wharton, Anglia Sacra II p. 369

    Note : (96) Apparition of the Archbishop to John Sibson (p. 371)

    Note : (97) Penance of the King (p. 371)

    Note : (98) Story how Henry IV's body was thrown into the sea (p. 372

    Note : Ending

    explicit : (98) Deus omnipotens est testis et iudex quod ego Clemens Maydestone vidi virum illum et audiui ipsum iurantem patri meo Thome Maydestone omnia predicta fore vera

    99-108 - Depositio regis Ricardi || Depositio regis Ricardi

    Note : (101) (With sermon of Archbishop Arundel on p. 101)

    Note : (104) Ending with Henry's revocation of allegiance to Richard, in English

    Note : pp. 107-108 blank

    109-213 - The Westminster Chronicle || Continuatio chronici Ranulphi per Iohannem Malverne, ab anno Domini 1236. ad annum 1394

    Note : Ad annum 1346, Hic revera Ranulphus monachus Cestr. suas cronicas terminavit: Post hunc scripsit quidam monachus Wigorn. Iohannes Malvern. Saepe concordat haec continuatio cum Thoma de Walsingham et autore anonymo historiae Ricardi II. a Cl. Hearne editae, multa tamen habet quae in aliis frustra quaeres, digna certe quae historicis nostris impressis addatur

    Note : Paper, 54 lines to a page: cent. xiv late or xv early, in a pretty hand. The quires have been of 16 leaves

    Note : (109) Names of the children of Edward III. Distich on Kings of England

    Note : (109) Edward I to the Abbot and Convent of Westminster, reciting the Scotch agreement (Norham 1291, Rymer, Foedera II 529)

    Note : (110) Accounts, in French

    Note : (111) 1326

    incipit : (111) Edwardus tercius filius E. ij post conquestum adolescens quindecim circiter annorum uiuente adhuc patre suo

    Note : (Polychronicon, Rolls ed. VIII, p. 324)

    Note : Ends in 1394 with the death of the Countess of Derby

    explicit : (210) Istis quoque duabus sororibus hereditas duorum comitatuum herefordie videlicet et Northampton inter se spectabat equaliter diuidenda

    Note : For this see Appendix I to the Polychronicon (VIII, 324 sqq., 355-406, IX, Introduction and pp. 1-283). In these the whole text is printed. For the greater part of it this MS. is the unique authority. The attribution to a monk of Worcester is incorrect. The Dean of Westminster has shown that the writer was a Westminster monk (Proceedings of the British Academy 1907)

    Note : pp. 211-213 blank

    214-244 - Acts of parliament 1 Henry VI and state of affairs during his minority || Acts of parliament I Henrici VI. and state of affairs during his minority

    Note : Current hand, 44 lines to a full page

    rubric : (214) Acta habita in parliamento tento die lune proxima ante festum S. Martini anno regno regis henrici viti primo

    Note : In Latin, French and English

    Note : The last item is

    rubric : (239) Acta apud Cantuariam eodem anno viiio

    Note : (243) ending p. 243

    Note : p. 244 blank



  • Wilkins, Nigel. Catalogue Des Manuscrits Français de La Bibliothèque Parker (Parker Library). Corpus Christi College Cambridge. Cambridge: Parker Library Publications, 1993.

Data sources