Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 30


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : The main contents of CCCC MS 30 are commentaries on books of the Old Testament by the Augustinian canon, Andrew of Saint-Victor (c. 1110-75). Although English, he entered the Parisian abbey of Saint-Victor, but returned to England as abbot of Wigmore 1147-55 and again 1161-3, returning to Paris for the period 1155-61. This manuscript is one of the very few which contain these commentaries. In addition to Andrew's works, the book contains Bede's commentary on Proverbs and Jerome's on Ecclesiastes.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : latin

    Intervenants :

    Andrew of Saint-Victor OSA - author

    1r-50v - Andrew of Saint-Victor OSA, Commentary on the Heptateuch || Andreas Victorinusin Heptateuchum

    rubric : (1r) Expositio Andree abbatis hystorica super Eptaticum

    incipit : (1r) Difficile quod durum quod graue quod asperum est obseruatur

    Note : Super Exodum

    incipit : (19r) Iste secundus liber moysi hebraice hellesmoth

    Note : Super Leuiticum

    incipit : (33v) Liber Leuiticus hebraice vagecra

    Note : Super Numeros

    incipit : (39v) Quoniam multitudinis israelitice

    Note : Super Deuteronomium

    incipit : (43r) Deuteronomii scribendi hec precipue causa

    Note : Super Iosue

    incipit : (47r) A nomine auctoris dicitur liber iste

    Note : Super ludicum

    incipit : (48v) Tempora iudicum liber iste describit

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (50v) pro illo commemoratis

    51r-73v - Andrew of Saint-Victor OSA, Commentary on Kings

    incipit : (51r) Fuit uir unus etc. Ad commendationem sancti samuel

    Note : (64r) Liber II

    Note : (67r) Liber III

    Note : (71v) Liber IV

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (73v) quibus mundantur et raduntur pauimenta

    73v-84v - Andrew of Saint-Victor OSA, Dossier

    Note : Supplement from Chronicles

    rubric : (73v) Reliqua uerborum uniuscuiusque regum iuda ab hiis que in libro regum degesta sunt

    incipit : (73v) In hac ultima huius operis particula

    Note : There is an old pencil note: non est hec lectura que? sequitur ut uidetur usque in xiij folium sequentem (?) or sextarii (?).

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (78r) cum eo et ascendat

    Note : (78r) Table of kings and prophets, headed Regia prophetarum

    Note : Summary of Jewish kings and prophets

    incipit : (78v) Roboam filius salomonis de naama amanitidite (!) matre natus

    explicit : (80v) hi qui ante eos habent titulos prophetauerunt

    Note : Summary of history of high priests, of the Maccabees and Herods

    incipit : (80v) Principatum israelitice gentis post mortem moysi et successoris eius Ihesu presules qui appellabantur iudices

    explicit : (84v) qui nero priuignus claudii filii agripine uxoris sue et in regnum successit

    Intervenants :

    Bede - author

    84v-87r - Bede, De temporum ratione (excerpt) || Chronicle of the World

    Note : (cf. P. L. LI 335 or rather P. L. XC 520-56)

    incipit : (84v) Adam annorum cxxx genuit seth cui superuixit dccc

    Note : Gap between the Captivity and Domitian. Quarta etas ends with the former. Quinta etas begins with the latter.

    Note : Ends with Marcian and Valentinian

    explicit : (87r) Gens anglorum siue saxonum britanniam tribus longis nauibus aduehitur. quibus dum iter prosperatum domi fama referret mittitur exercitus fortior qui iunctus prioribus primo hostes quos petebant abigit. Deinde in sotios animaduertens totam prope insulam ab orientali eius plaga usque ad occidentalem igne uel ense subigit conficta occasione quod pro se militantibus (bri)A blank of 3 letters in the MS tones minus sufficienter stipendia darent

    Intervenants :

    Isidore of Seville - author

    87r-87r - Isidore of Seville, Etymologiae (excerpt from book 5, chapters 37-38)

    incipit : (87r) Olimpias apud grecos constituta

    explicit : (87r) aduenientem in nos gratiam spiritus sancti

    incipit : (87r) Secula a generationibus consistunt

    explicit : (87r) hoc est usque ad annum quinquagesimum

    Note : (two short paragraphs)

    87r-118v - Andrew of Saint-Victor OSA, Commentary on Proverbs and Ecclesiastes

    rubric : (87r) Introitus Andree in libros Salomonis

    incipit : (87v) Ad opuscula Salomonis iuxta littere superficiem

    Note : (88r) In Parabolis

    explicit : (107v) populi frequentia esse solet

    Note : (107v) In Ecclesiasten

    Note : At 113r the headline changes to Secundum Bedam super Ecclesiasten, but no break in the text appears

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (118v) nec eum despicit nec cum indicat preterit

    Intervenants :

    Bede the Venerable - author

    118v-151r - Bede the Venerable, Commentary on Proverbs || Bedasuper Parabolas

    rubric : (118v) Expositio historica in Parabolas secundum Bedam

    Note : (P. L. XCI 946)

    incipit : (118v) Parabole Salomonis etc. Parabole grece latine dicuntur similitudines

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (151r) collaudate seruitiis. Amen

    Intervenants :

    Jerome - author

    151r-158v - Jerome, Commentary on Ecclesiastes || Hieronymusin Ecclesiasten

    rubric : (151r) Incipit prologus beati Ieronimi presbiteri in librum Ecclesiastes (Salomonis) filii dauid regis iherusalem

    Note : (P. L. XXIII 1009)

    incipit : (151r) Memini me hoc

    rubric : (151r) Incipit prefatio

    incipit : (151r) Verba Ecclesiastes etc.

    incipit : (151r) Tribus nominibus fuisse uocatum

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (158v) Cum enim mors uenerit nescit quali

    Note : (unfinished)

    159r-245r - Andrew of Saint-Victor OSA, Commentary on the Minor Prophets || Andreas Victorinussuper XII Prophetas

    rubric : (159r) Andreas super Osee

    incipit : (159r) Quanta sit Osee prophete difficultas

    Note : Super Malachiam. Ends

    explicit : (245r) In helya Iohannem intelligens

    Note : (245v) Verso blank save for a scribbled text



Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Perhaps from Coggeshall Priory in Essex. On the middle of f. iir in large red letters is a title not unlike those which occur in other Coggeshall books: ¶ Historica expositio Andree super Eptaticum et super Regum et super Paralipomenon et super parabolas et Ecclesiasten ¶ Et Beda super parabolas ¶ Jeronimus super ecclesiasten ¶ Andreas super xii prophetas. But on the same page in black ink xv or xvi is a scratched out mark B. 63. Such a mark sometimes points to Norwich.

Data source