Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 194


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : CCCC MS 194 is a miscellany of texts of various periods 'diuersis temporibus et a diuersis scriptoribus exaratus' but mostly copied in the mid-fifteenth century. It contains a copy of Peter of Blois (d. 1212), De conuersione beati Pauli, an extract from the pseudo-Augustinian De spiritu et anima (De creatione primi hominis), the profusely illustrated anonymous Scala mundi chronicle, Martin of Troppau OP (d. 1278), Chronica pontificum et imperatorum and Compilatio de gestis Britonum et Anglorum of Peter of Ickham OSB (d. 1295). The Scala mundi contains a well-known early image of Stonehenge, and the historical nature of much of the material in this manuscript surely explains Parker's interest in it. A shelf mark reveals that this manuscript was once in the library of the Hospital of St Mary without Bishopsgate, London, though how it came to be in Parker's collection is unknown.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : latin

    Intervenants :

    Peter of Blois, archdeacon of Bath - author

    1v-3r - Peter of Blois, archdeacon of Bath, De conuersione Sancti Pauli || Tractatus Petri Blessensis de conversione sancti Pauli

    Note : Cent. xv. 40 lines to a page

    incipit : (1v) Recolenda est cum exultacione

    Note : (P. L. CCVII 791)

    explicit : (3r) ad reuelacionem glorie domini nostri Ihesu Christi cui est honor et gloria in secula seculorum. Amen

    rubric : (3r) Explicit paruus tractatus de conuersione Sancti Pauli apostoli secundum Petram Blesencem quod R. E.

    Intervenants :

    pseudo-Augustine - author

    3v-3v - pseudo-Augustine, De creatione primi hominis (ch. 35 of pseudo-Augustine, De spiritu et anima) || Augustinus de creatione primi hominis

    Note : Small hand, cent. xv

    rubric : (3v) Augustini de creacione primi hominis liber incipit

    Note : (P. L. XL 1213, CLXI 967)

    incipit : (3v) Tanta dignitas humane condicionis

    explicit : (3v) mirabilius in secundo reformauit

    rubric : (3v) Explicit

    Intervenants :

    Richard Rolle of Hampole (attrib.) - author

    4r-4r - Richard Rolle of Hampole (attrib.), Meditatio breuissima || Meditatio brevissima Ricardi Hampole

    rubric : (4r) Beatus Ricardus hermita

    Note : (xv)

    incipit : (4r) Amicam autem adamaui

    explicit : (4r) consilium continue concupisco

    Note : Si tuam animam vis saluare consocia hominum quantum potes deuitare. quod Corf. Et memorare nouissima tua et in eternum non peccabis

    Note : Ergo quid sis quid fueris quid eris semper mediteris

    4v-79v - Scala mundi || Scala mundi, sive tabulae chronologicae genealogicae et historicae

    Note : First main volume of cent. xiv early in annalistic form with fifty years to a page. Illustrated with small pictures in good style

    Note : Continuantur eadem manu ad annum 1340, et dehinc alia ad annum 1450: pars vero chronologica deducitur usque ad annum 1619, nitidissime scripta, nonnullisque delineationibus templorum, &c. ornata

    rubric : (4v) Hic incipit liber qui vocatur Scala Mundi

    rubric : (4v) De creatione mundi et opere prime diei

    Note : A band of small rectangular pictures goes down the L. side of text 1 (top). God creates angels: they fall. A sphere on R. full of heads of angels. A single row at the top remain steadfast. A mass below is falling 2. Creation of firmament. A sphere with band across it 3. Of trees 4. Of sun, moon and stars 5. Of birds and fish 6. In four small compartments, creation of beasts, of Adam, of Eve. Expulsion 7. God resting. Angels on R. and L.

    Note : At top of f. 5r a picture. An angel in air in C. hands two tunics to Adam with spade and Eve with distaff

    Note : Genealogical lines are carried down the pages

    Note : (7r) Picture of Ciuitas enoch

    Note : (21v) Ark

    Note : (23v) Tower of Babel

    Note : (25r) Nineveh

    Note : (30v) Red Sea

    Note : Many pictures of cities

    Note : (46v) Annunciation. Two figures, ground of red and green

    Note : (47v) Crucifixion with the Virgin and John. Purple ground

    Note : (55r) Boy with two bodies born at Emaus about 395 A.D.

    Note : (57r) Stonehenge. Michael and dragon

    Note : 58r sqq. are folding leaves showing the lines of Saxon kings

    Note : (59r) Boy with four legs. Merman

    Note : (66r) Woman with two bodies

    Note : (71r) St Dominic and another Dominican. Green ground. St Francis (in white) preaching to birds. Yellow ground. Crucifix seen in air at Dunstable. Red ground

    Note : The last entry in the original hand seems to be at f. 74r: 1338Lodowicus iiiius

    Note : The years are carried on to 1619 by the original hand. Later hands make some few entries, some concerning the Franciscan order, e.g., Martyrdom of Will. Walden, f. 74r

    Note : The latest is the death of (Ayscough) the Bishop of Sarum et eodem anno communis fuit insurrexio populi in anglia

    Note : Ends f. 79v

    Intervenants :

    Martin of Troppau OP - author

    80r-132r - Martin of Troppau OP, Chronica pontificum et imperatorum || Chronicon Martini Poloni papae penitentiarii, sive historia et successio imperatorum et pontificum Romanorum a Christo nato ad annum 1306, et continuata ad annum 1342

    Note : Recognita et per ipsum auctius reddita quam in codicibus impressis. Inter Leonem V. et Benedictum IIII. interseritur Ioanna papissa

    Note : f. 80r blank, except a xvith cent. title

    Note : Chronicon Martini begins f. 80v. Pontifices and Imperatores, as usual, occupying alternate pages

    rubric : (80v) Pontifices

    incipit : (80v) Anno xliio octouiani augusti natus est Ihesus Christus in bethleem

    rubric : (81r) Imperatores

    incipit : (81r) Post natiuitatem domini nostri Ihesu Christi octouiani augusti imperauit

    Note : Cent. xiv, 41 lines to a page

    Note : Some hands which appear in vol. I as annotators appear here also

    Note : (131v) A note on John XXII, and notices of Benedict XII and Clement V, are added later

    Note : (132r) Imperatores end (vacante imperio. temp. martini III)

    explicit : misericorditer a domino largiuntur. et qui scripsit hec uidit ea

    Note : (miracles at death of Martin III)

    Note : ff. 132v, 134r-134v blank; ff. 133r-133v missing

    Intervenants :

    Peter of Ickham OSB - author

    135r-181v - Peter of Ickham OSB, Compilatio de gestis Britonum et Anglorum || Petri de Yckham compilatio de gestis Britonum et Anglorum ex Bruto Beda et aliis auctoribus a prima antiquitate ad annum 1265, et alia manu ad annum 1283

    Note : Ad finem desunt nonnulla

    Note : Same hand as item 5

    rubric : (135r) Compilacio de gestis britonum et anglorum

    incipit : (135r) Non solum audiendis scripture sacre uerbis

    Note : The attribution of this to P. de Yckham rests on very little. Dr Caius (de antiq. Cant. 61) names Robert Remington as the author

    Note : Hand changes on f. 168r (1264) and again on f. 170v

    Note : (181v) Ends imperfectly in 1283: et ibi adiudicatus est morti

    Note : There is a gap in the foliation: 182-216 are gone

    Note : Hardy III 165, 221, 271

    217r-221r - Triginta duo gradus scalae || Triginta duo gradus scalae

    Note : Hand of cent. xv: ugly

    incipit : (217r) Primus gradus huius sacratissime scale est fides

    Note : A pencilled name, possibly Hall, erased in lower margin

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (221r) ascendere valeatis amen, hec (?) Augustinus

    Note : f. 221v blank. An erased inscription (xvi): This boke to be IIs... and againe till Candlemas next. By me (? Stephanus) batema(n?)

    Note : On f. 222r in large hand (xv-xvi): Hospicium beate / Marie extra / bisshopsgate hunc / Vendicat librum / In smaller hand: ano dni. mlio quingentesimo / vices (struck through) tricesimo ijo dus willmus / maior prior ano R. regis h. viiii / vicesimo xxiiijto / per me Johannem Stones



Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Additions: The first leaf, blank, has been cut out, on the second (f. 1r) is a list of contents Continentur hec isto in libro subscripta (xv late).

Data source