Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 118

  • Other Form of the Shelfmark :
    • Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 118
    • CCCC MS 118
    • MS 118
    • Parker Library MS 118
  • Held at : Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • Languages : Latin, English
  • Date of Origin :
  • Support Material : Paper
  • Dimensions :
    • 230 x 318
  • Codicological details :
    • ff. a-b + i-iv + l-306r + 306a-u + 306v + c-d


Data Source: Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : MS 118 is a collection of letters, documents and injunctions which are predominantly relevant to Cambridge University. Considering Parker's association with the university, he was elected master of Corpus Christi College in 1544 and then as vice-chancellor of the university in 1545 and 1548, it is unsurprising to find a collection of letters and documents concerning it among his collection.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : latin, anglais

    || Indented bill of the writings, books, etc. delivered by William Bill late vicechancellor to Dr. Walter Haddon his successor, dated 7 Oct. 3 Edw. VI

    iiir-ivv - Table of discovery || Tabula inventionis, in qua viginti quatuor generales loci in particulares suos locos dividuntur ad excogitanda argumenta apprime utilis, impress.

    1r-1v - Order of proceedings at vespers || Ordo procedendi in vesperiis et in die com. A. D. 1555 Junii 26

    2r-36v - Ancient statutes out of the book of the proctors || Antiqua statuta ex libro procuratorum

    Note : Printed from this and other copies in Documents 1852 I, see p. 307

    37r-105v - Another example of current statutes of the University of Cambridge || Aliud exemplar eorundem statutorum

    Note : Printed from this and other copies in Documents 1852 I, see p. 307

    37r-105v - || An account of the building of the public schools and the library drawn up by archbishop Parker

    Note : Willis and Clark, Architectural History III 10, note

    111r-124v - The first statutes of the University of Cambridge, with later corrections and marginal notes || Prima delineatio statutorum [quae data sunt per Edwardum regem] academiae Cantab. cum posterioribus correctionibus margini inscriptis

    Note : The final form of these with the Injunctions is in Lamb 122

    125r-135v - Ordinance of Cardinal Pole after his visitation at the University of Cambridge April 1557 || Ordinationes cardinalis Poli post visitationem universitatis illius mandate peractam, datae Grenwychi 15 kal. Apr. 1557

    Note : Lamb, 237

    136r-136r - Commission of Cardinal Pole to the vice-chancellor and others to correct and supplement the statutes of Cambridge University || Commissio data per cardinalem Polum vice-cancellario et aliis ad statuta corrigenda et supplenda

    Note : In Latin. An English document of similar import in Lamb 274

    136v-137v - Ordinances for the celebration of divine worship || Ordinationes de divino cultu celebrando

    Note : Lamb, 270

    138r-141v - Injunctions drawn up for Corpus Christi College Cambridge by the visitors of Cardinal Pole || Injunctiones traditae collegio corporis Christi per visitatores cardinalis Poli

    Note : 11 is largely concerned with divine service. Frere, Visitation Articles II 412

    142r-142v - Questions on a certain marital cause || Interrogatoria in quadam causa matrimoniali

    155r-156v - Sentence on the marital causes between Richard Oliver and Agnes Strooke on the one part and Thomas Barons on the other || Sententia definitiva in causa matrimoniali inter Richardum Olyver competitorem Agnetis Strooke et actorem ex una parte, et eandem Agnetem Strooke partem ream et petitam ex altera parte et Thomam Barons alterum competitorem praefatae Agnetis

    155r-156v - || Cobb's notys at the comyssaries court

    Note : The paging leaps from 235 to 335

    157r-180v - Statutes of Queens' College, Cambridge || Statuta collegii reginalis Cantab.

    Note : This is the copy of the Statutes which had been sent up to Sir W. Cecil

    157r-180v - || Letter from William Dey, giving an account of the first days disputation in Westminster church between the papists and protestants: dated from the court, ult. Mart. 1559

    157r-180v - || Complaint and appeal of the fellows of Queens'-college against Mr. Peacock their master for an unstatutable election of fellows

    Note : Searle, History of Queens' College 271

    157r-180v - || Letter from William Dey to Dr. Parker on this appeal: dated from the court 21 March, 1558

    Note : Searle, History of Queens' College 281

    187r-189v - Depositions proved in the first and second inquisitions held in Queens' College, Cambridge in the time of Queen Mary concerning the celebration of mass || Depositiones testium in prima et secunda inquisitione facta in collegio Reginali [tempore reginae Mariae ut videtur ex interrogations de missis celebrandis]

    Note : Searle, History of Queens' College 256 (1556-1557)

    190r-192v - Brief notes out of a book of the senior proctors || Notae breviusculae ex libro senioris procuratoris

    193r-193v - Letter of William Cecil to the master of Christ College, Cambridge, March 1558 || Epistola Gul. Cecill ad magistrum Coll. Christi, 22 Mar. 1558: nequid agat pendente sententia

    193r-193v - || Letter from sir William Cecill to Dr. Parker, informing him that he had sent down his letters to Queens'-college for the admission of the two young men lately chosen fellows there, and that the master Mr. Peacock intended to give over his interest and title in the same to Dr. Mey: dated from the court May 5, 1559

    Note : Parker Correspondence. L.Searle 283

    195r-195v - Letter of William Cecil to Dr Perne, vice-chancellor of Cambridge University, Dr Parker and Master Leedes, from the hall March 1558 || Epistola Gulielmi Cecill ad doctorem Perne vice-cancellarium Dr. Parker et Mag. Leedes, in qua comittit eis determinationem causae de electione sociorum in collegio Reginali: data ex aula 21 Martii, 1558

    Note : Parker Correspondence XLVII.Searle 278

    Note : Address of this letter now at f. 198v

    196r-196v - Letter of Thomas Smith to Dr Perne, vice-chancellor of Cambridge University, Dr Parker and Master Leedes, London March 1558-59 || Epistola Thomas Smith ad eosdem; in qua dicit se segerrime ferre tales controversias in suo collegio esse exortas; tamen ait se nonnihil consolationis ex eo accepisse, quod causa tota ad eos referatur: data Londini 21 Martii Io Eliz.

    Note : Parker Correspondence XLVIIISearle 279

    196r-196v - || Further complaints against the master [of Queens']

    Note : Searle 276

    - - Letter of William Cecil to the Master of Queens' College, Cambridge || Epistola Gulielmi Cecill ad magistrum collegii Christi, [rectius ut videtur collegii Reginalis] de controversiis in collegio exortis

    Note : Searle 277

    Note : This item now appears to be missing from the manuscript

    197r-198v - Letter from sir William Cecil to Mr Peacock master of Queens' College, Cambridge, from the court April 28, 1559 || Letter [from sir William Cecill] to Mr. Peacock master of Queen's college, directing him to admit the two persons elected into fellowships, notwithstanding the inhibition: dated from the court April 28, 1559

    Note : Searle 282

    200r-205v - Oration or thesis on theological questions on the nature of poverty and the nature of demons || Oratio seu thesis respondentis in theologia super his questionibus : (i) Beati pauperes spiritu quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum: (2) Demones et qui Domino non moriuntur, cruciantur igne aeterno ante generate judicium

    206r-229v - Indenture of Masters Nicholas Smith and John Asbrooke, 1560 || Indentura magistrorum Nicholai Smithe et Iohannis Asbrooke bursariorum collegii Regalis beatae Mariae de Eaton in com. Bucks omnium receptorum et expensarum a festo sancti Michaelis archangeli, anno regni Elizabethae reginae Angliae Franciae et Hibernian primo, usque ad eundem festum revolutum in anno sequente, ejusdem serenissimae dominae Elizabethae secundo A. D. 1560

    Note : 28 is witnessed at the end by William Bill, Provost

    230r-244v - Statutes of Eton College || Statuta collegii beatae Mariae de Eaton

    Note : 29 is Malim's Consuetudinary, on which see Maxwell Lyte, History of Eton College

    Note : Last printed in Etoniana 1905 by R. A. Austen Leigh from the MS.

    Note : Ends

    245r-252v - Statutes of Cambridge University, June 1558 || Statuta academiae Cantabrigiensis, data a regina Elizabetha 22 Junii anno regni I

    Note : Lamb, 278 etc.

    253r-257r - Certain injunctions prescribed for the University of Cambridge and specific colleges by the visitors of Queen Elizabeth I || Injunctiones quaedam academiae Cantabrigiensi et singulis collegiis praescriptae a visitatoribus reginae Elizabethae

    Note : Lamb, 300

    257v-259v - Disputations of Masters of Arts in the time of Edward VI || Magistrorum artium disputationes tempore regis Edwardi VI

    260r-267r - Decrees by the authority of William Cecill, chancellor of Cambridge University and the congregation of the same, 27 June 1562 || Decreta edita et promulgata tam ex consensu et autoritate domini Gulielmi Cecillii Cantab. academiae cancellarii quam magistrorum regentium et non regentium ejusdem academiae in plena congregatione in domo capitulari sive nova capella 27 Junii, 1562

    267r-270v - Statutes and decrees concerning the University chest || Statuta et decreta de cistis academiae

    Note : Cf. MS 106. 117 etc.

    271r-273v - Agreement between the archdeacon of Ely and the University of Cambridge and Master of the Glomeria || Compositio inter archidiaconum Eliensem et universitatem: et de magistro Glomeriae

    Note : Cf. Gonv. and Cai. 204, f. 127 etc., also MS 106. 60

    271r-273v - || Account of the opposition made to the new statutes by the proctors and younger part of the senate

    Note : Lamb, 355

    275r-275v - Proceedings before the archbishops of Canterbury and York and the bishop of Ely concerning the opposition made to the new statutes by the proctors and younger part of the senate || Proceedings before the archbishops of Canterbury and York and the bishop of Ely concerning this dispute

    Note : Lamb, 357

    276r-277v - A petition signed by almost two hundred people agreeing to refer the opposition made to the new statutes by the proctors and younger part of the senate to the earls of Sussex, Huntingdon and Bedford, and Sir Ralph Sadler, or to the archbishop of York or bishop of London || A writing signed by near two hundred persons agreeing to refer this contention to the earls of Sussex, Huntingdon and Bedford, and sir Ralph Sadler, or to the archbishop of York or bishop of London, or any other nobleman or counsellor whatsoever

    Note : Lamb, 357

    278r-278v - Letter from the archbishops of Canterbury and York, and the bishops of London, Ely and Bangor [to the chancellor of Cambridge University], dated Lambeth ult. May, 1572 || Letter from the archbishops of Canterbury and York, and the bishops of London, Ely and Bangor [to the chancellor] that they had perused the papers delivered by both parties, and think the statutes should be maintained: dated Lambeth ult. May, 1572

    Note : Correspondence CCXCIX, Lamb, 360

    279r-280v - Letter from Drs. Whitgift, Perne and Mey to Matthew Parker || Letter from Drs. Whitgift, Perne and Mey to the archbishop, desiring that the licentiousness used by preachers in the university may be restrained and punished

    Note : Lamb, 356

    279r-280v - || Letter from lord Burghley chancellor to the university, on the controversy raised by Mr. Beacon proctor, at the election of the lecturers: dated Westminster 15 June, 1572

    Note : Lamb, 360

    279r-280v - || An act of parliament for incorporating the two universities and confirming their privileges

    289r-301v - Statutes of the University of Cambridge dating from the time of Queen Elizabeth I (1570) || Statuta academiae Cantabrigiensis, data per reginam Elisabetham 25 Sept. 1570

    Note : Lamb, 315

    Note : 43 is a separate volume with parchment cover: 44-48 are attached to it

    306ar-306dv - Objections to the statutes of the University of Cambridge temp Elizabeth I, and answers to the same || Objections against the statutes, and answers to the same

    Note : 44 not printed: 3 ff

    306er-306jv - Objections of the members of the University of Cambridge to the newly-proposed statutes, temp Elizabeth I || The grievances of the bodye of the universitie for the alteration of the aunciant privileges and customes by the new statutes, with the reasons annexed

    Note : Lamb, 363

    306kr-306qv - Response to the objections of certain members of the university of Cambridge to the newly proposed statutes || An answere to the pretensed griefs of certeyne of the bodie of the universitie for the necessarie and profitable alteration of certeine privileges and customs greatlie abused by divers of the foresaide bodie, the which be reformed only for the advancement of vertue and lerninge and the maintenaunce of good ordre, set fourth by the queenes majesties authoritie and publikelie read and generallie received by the whole universitie with great quyetnesse until these twoe proctors Mr. Beacon and Mr. Purefye entered into their offices

    Note : Lamb, 377

    306rr-306tv - A reply to the objections of the doctors of the University of Cambridge concerning new statutes || A replie to the awnsweres of the doctors

    Note : Lamb, 391

    306rr-306tv - || Articles exhibited by the masters of colleges against Messrs. Beacon, Purefye, Nicholls, Browne and others

    Note : Lamb, 400

Data source