Pedro Barreto de Resende (15..?-1651)

Biblissima authority file:

  • Other Forms :
    • Resende, Pedro Barreto de, 15--?-1651
    • Pedro Barreto de Resende
    • barreto de resende (pedro)
  • Birth : 1501 (pas avant) (Uncertain data)
  • Death : 1651
  • Notes :
    • Cartographe. - Chevalier de l'ordre Saint-Benoît d'Aviz, secrétaire de dom Miguel de Noronha, comte de Linhares. - Auteur de relations de voyage dans les Indes orientales (Livro do Estado da Índia qui contient Descrições das Fortalezas da Índia Oriental). - A dessiné les fortifications décrites dans le recueil Livro das plantas de todas as fortalezas, cidades e povoaçoens do Estado da Índia Oriental, de António Bocarro (1635) (Source : BnF)

Associated works and texts

This section lists the works attributed to the person as well as his contributions related to textual units.

Auteur de l'oeuvre :

Associated documents

This section lists the manuscripts, printed books and other types of documents with which the person or organisation is associated, regardless of their role towards the documents.

Auteur :

Data sources

  • Biblioteca Nacional Digital
  • Mandragore