Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 260

Référentiel d'autorité Biblissima :

Manifeste IIIF

Présentation du contenu

Source des données : Parker on the Web

  • Résumé : CCCC MS 260 was written towards the end of the tenth century at Christ Church, Canterbury. It contains copies of important early medieval treatises on music, most significantly the Musica enchiriadis and Scholica enchiriadis, which usually travelled together. Both must be considered essentially anonymous, despite the fact that the Musica enchiriadis is in this manuscript attributed to Hoger of Laon (d. 930); in the Corpus catalogue James attributed them to Hucbald of Saint-Amand (d. c. 930) and Odo of Cluny OSB (c. 879-942) respectively. Together they provide some of the earliest evidence for polyphony, and use a type of notation known as Dasian, which allows for precise pitch to be recorded. Parker wrote "TW" in this manuscript, perhaps to indicate that he acquired it from John Twyne, a Canterbury schoolmaster and antiquary who had worked at St Augustine's before the Dissolution; or alternatively, from Thomas Wotton (c. 1521-87), nephew of Nicholas Wotton dean of Canterbury, and an associate of Parker with Puritan sympathies.

    Contenu :

    Langue(s) des textes : latin

    Intervenants :

    Hogeri - author

    Boethius - author

    1r-2v - Musica Hogeri (Boethius, De institutione musica (V, 17-19))

    Note : (1r) Title in capitals

    rubric : (1r) Excerptiones Hogeri Abbatis ex auctoribus musicae artis

    Note : (1r) Below this a space - then a table of numbers

    Note : Text begins:

    incipit : (1r) Architas vero cuncta ratione constituens non modo sensum auriis inprimis consonantiis obseruare neglexit

    Note : No. 1 is the work of Hucbald and is one of the two best copies. It has been printed by Gerbert. See Coussemaker, Mémoire sur Hucbald, 1841

    3r-18r - Musica enchiriadis

    explicit : (18r) Pandit multa musice rationis miracula prestantissimus auctor BOETIUS ... Cuius si deus annuerit sequens opusculum aliquod continebit exceptum. Huiusce oratiuncule ponamus hic finem

    Note : No. 1 is the work of Hucbald and is one of the two best copies. It has been printed by Gerbert. See Coussemaker, Mémoire sur Hucbald, 1841

    18r-51v - Scholica enchiriadis

    rubric : (18r) Incipit Scolica Enchiriadis de arte musica

    incipit : (18r) Musica quid est? Bone modulandi scientia

    explicit : (51v) proportio et symphoniam seruat. tropique retinet modum

    Note : The musical illustrations on ff. 30r, 30v, 31r are added by a later hand

    Note : No. 2 is the Enchiridion of Odo who has been identified with Odo of Cluny, Gerbert I 251. (P. L. CXXXII 981.)

    51v-54v - Commemoratio breuis de tonis et psalmis modulandis (fragment)

    rubric : (51v) Incipit commemoratio breuis de tonis et psalmis modulandis

    incipit : (51v) Debitum seruitutis nostre qui ad ministerium laudationis domini deputamur

    Note : Ends

    explicit : (53v) Sequitur modulatio psalmi eleuata isque (blank) in deuterum excellentem

    Note : 54r is blank

    Note : 54v covered with paper has a mathematical figure or two, but no text

    Note : No. 3 is again the work of Hucbald, edited by Gerbert. (P. L. CXXXII 1026.) See Coussemaker, Mémoire sur Hucbald, 1841


Historique de la conservation

Source des données : Parker on the Web

  • From Christ Church, Canterbury. On f. 1r is: MVSICA HOGERI. TT. (Ancient Libraries, p. 8, no. 44 and p. xxxiii). Also, in red chalk: TW.

Source des données